"Even if your fantasy comes true,

that doesn't mean you should stop dreaming."

-Jonathan Knight

        i like this quote :)  i have been lucky lately in the ones i am finding; they all seem to be touching a pleasure nerve somewhere inside me.  Or perhaps it is just because i am indulging in feeling pleasure these days.  Scary stuff for me, cause in the past the good times always went away.  Or maybe i just allowed them to go away. 


        Anyway, i am playing "hooky" from work today.  Taking a much needed "mental health" day from the insanity and anxiety of my place of employment.  So i have had time to go searching for more of these quotes i seem to have taken an interest in.  The following is an excellent site for any interested souls.

        Andi's Quotes Info

        i putzed around the house for awhile, staying in my nightgown, cleaning and mopping and sorting and laundry.  i find all this very calming.  There isn't any pressure to answer a phone or help a customer, or solve a problem for one of the workmen.  i can move freely about, not confined to an 8 x 12 room, without fear of someone asking me what i am doing.  Or giving me a raised eyebrow as they wonder what they are paying my wage for.  i can play loud raunchy music, or gentle tones of classical.  i can visit a chat room on the computer, or surf the net without distractions.  Or i can just stay quietly under the covers of my bed.  What's not to like?

        And yet i find myself carrying around a twinge of guilt as i acknowledge what the other girls in the office are going through because of my absence.  And i struggle with the reality that i have allowed the stereotyping of "lazy housewife" to permeate my brain.  That i am only valuable if i work outside the home.  But i am finding more and more, that i have to admit i just don't like it "out there".  Not really.  Sure, the money is an incentive.  The feeling of doing a job well is pretty neat too.  But is it all worth it, when i find myself turning into an exhausted and irritable being who feels like she has absolutely no personal time anymore?

        This could get into a whole lot of issues in my head i think.  i used to think i should have been a high powered career woman and then i would recognize all my true worth.  Which would make me happy.   my mother sent my sister off to college however, and guided me down the path of "married and babies".  i always resented that, feeling like i had missed out on something.  That she had the daughters mixed up, especially when, after only 3 years, my sister dropped out of the career world.  Dropped out?  It was more like "ran like h*ll".  And i thought to myself; "see? i was right.   i should have been the one out in the *world*".

        So how come, every time i have a chance at it, i do the same thing as my sister?  Yes, there are differences in how we handle it.  She stays home and literally does the mom-baking-cookies thing.    i prefer to get dreamy and read or write or explore the world as much as i financially can.  (maybe someday i will be able to afford the gas to actually do it!)  

        Where am i going here.  i haven't a clue now.  i guess i am just realizing i have to admit to myself that i really don't like the corporate world after all, and that it's perfectly okay.    And i can't imagine not working, because there are some levels of satisfaction to be had while doing so.  But i don't have to have the high-profile job in order to be complete.  i feel pretty good, and complete, just winning the socks-matching war. 

        i still have this feeling that there is something in life i am supposed to be doing though.  i have had it since i was a teenager.

        i just wish i could figure out what it is.

        *gone to rest my brain* :)

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