je.jpg.BMP (8578 bytes)           please, Sir

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yesterday: previous posts ...

tomorrow: future musings ...

small thing, big impact:    receiving a small gold heart, with #1 mom in the center, from my son, who until presenting that gift, rarely admitted he even liked me.  Course he got all manly-gruff and "oh mom" when i started to cry, but i still spied his pleased smile :)

me: this is actually my webpage, which will need to be worked on as well, especially since i am making life-changes

email: yes, please :)

WB01361_.gif (611 bytes)  okay, so this is sort of what it felt like trying to get the java script i had wanted to put here to work, which explains why i gave it up

     So, i am getting brave and putting a picture of myself in here.  i am not positive it is the best idea i have ever had, because there are many, many people who just don't understand the concept of one actually having a Master.   Or of what that means.  But i do, and it is my page, so i guess that means i get to experiment a bit.  And see how much fallout i might suffer.  Maybe as the 40-somethings progress, it just gets easier to be daring.  Or the brain really does become addled.  But anyway, that person in the upper corner is me, the picture taken a short while ago, using Master's vidcam.

     i am not positive this is the page design i am going to settle on for here.   And i am still struggling with concepts and ideas of what i might like to indulge in.   i read several  very good journals, and it seems this type of layout is popular, which is why i decided to give it a try.  i think i like the absence of the frames.

     The rash is finally gone and i am itch free.  Thank gawd!  And only one antihistamine pill was needed which is a good thing, as i detest taking pills.  my mother was a virtual walking drugstore and i never could figure out how she kept track of it all. That's another topic for another time however.  i don't think i am in the right frame of mind to address it just now.  The memories of coming home from school and finding her asleep on the couch, from one of her pills, is just a bit overwhelming.  This grief thing is pretty weird in its stages.

     i brought 3 small wooden boxes to Master's house this weekend.  Inside of each was something important to me.  The taller, round one held a red-toned figure that i placed on the ledge in the kitchen.  The low-profiled, rectangular and very carved one (which i brought home with me from Indonesia) holds a set of rosary beads that belonged to my great aunt Adeline.  They were given to her before she was married, by her husband-to-be.   This has to be at least 60 years ago, as she is 82 now.   The final, slightly larger box, my mother brought back from El Salvadore, for me, and contains a selection of coins from other countries.  These i let Master's daughter look through and keep a few for herself. 

     Because i am "down-sizing" so to speak, while beginning the packing of my belongings, i am having to be more selective of what i want to keep, and what is just not worth hanging onto any longer.  i am finding it very interesting, the things i am choosing to keep.   And discovering that a lot of the items are just that: things.  But i am also finding out that there are just some memories that i don't wish to part with, and they are represented by what i keep.  It does take the edge off the work of packing as i allow my mind to drift back in time.  So that is a good "thing". :)


... shadoe