... smiles, and stuff ...

        i have too much "stuff". i wandered around the house last night, peeking into cupboards and closets, then feeling overwhelmed and closing them very quickly. Some items are going to be easy to deal with, such as the set of fine china from my first marriage. i will pack these up and give them to my daughter. After sitting in a cupboard for at least 5 years now, i doubt i shall ever use the dishes again, no matter how pretty they are. i do recall how much pleasure i took from them when i first received each place setting as a wedding gift, but that seems so very long ago.

        Bizarre thought of the day. When i move, i will be giving up my phone number. i know that seems like a trivial thing, but i have had this number longer than i have had my children! Well okay, only by a few months, but 19 years is a very long time. Why does it feel like just yesterday? Was i ever that young?

        i went to a walk-in clinic yesterday, about my rash. The doc was very friendly, but not a huge amount of help really. He nodded thoughtfully, said "yep, that's a rash", then wrote a prescription for some antihistamine to dull the itching. After a bit of prodding, he admitted that it was anybody's guess what was causing it, although from the appearance alone (actually very minor-looking) he was able to conclude that i am not contagious. He felt it was most likely something irritating my skin; a type of allergic reaction. Or stress.

        uh huh

        one sure way of clearing out my office has been to set the radio at a station nobody else likes. This morning however, i nearly left myself as yet another yodeller took over the air waves. i alternated between being fascinated that someone can actually do that with their voice, to resisting the urge to plug my ears. But there are other features to the station i have chosen, that i really like. Such as hearing Master's strong voice telling a story. i have been listening to an ongoing saga, of a small town girl being killed by her husband. The story starts out at the end her death) and goes back in time to the events leading up to her demise. i was absolutely delighted when i discovered that Master was one of the narrators. It's annoying when the phone rings however, disrupting my listening pleasure.

        the quest to change the appearance of my webpage continues. i am making progress, but have decided the java-script ideas i originally had are just not worth the work involved. Plus it seems to slow the loading time of the page. So i am back to concentrating on putting in only what is friendly to the eye, and trying not copying anybody else's' ideas.

        small thing, big impact:  Master's daughters' smile. No matter how stressful the past months or so became, i could always count on being cheered up by her youthful exuberance and good-nature.  And she has the best giggle :)

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