... and the raccoon war begins ...

        And yet another attempt at being more consistent with my posts. Sometimes my mind is just so blank and i fear that i will come across as just some silly, babbling subby, without an intelligent thought in my head.   i do like to think i have a few of them!

        i have gotten into the habit of checking for fog patches and mist over the water each morning, while driving to work.  This is surely prompted by my discovery of the fog over the golf course, weeks ago.  i have to be quick while doing this however, lest i rear-end the car in front of me, as my head is turning about.  This morning's display was excellent!  The fog hovered in small patches, like baby clouds resting along the sides of the road. There were great stretches of distance between each one, and they floated  just above the ground.   i found it hard to resist the urge to park the van and get out and walk amongst them.  No matter where i live, i  think i will always look for the fog.

        i had a long chat with the hubster last night, and a few times things got very heated.  We ended the conversation somewhat peacefully however, with a few more details sorted through.  This morning he asked me to be careful about not packing some of the hardcover books that he wishes to keep.   i explained that there were a lot of things i would be leaving behind, or selling, or giving away to people who might appreciate them.  As i was saying this, i was realizing there is very little here that i truly need in my life anymore.  That was the oddest sensation.  i have decided i should take my time while packing though, and perhaps ask myself at least twice, if i am really sure i want to part with the item i might be holding at that moment.

        i am finding it hard not to drag Master too deeply into this part of my life which has to be dealt with.  He patiently listens when i need to vent, or when i need advise on certain decisions that are necessary.   Yet i know He isn't really comfortable with this.  For me it is a catch-22 situation.  i learned i can trust Him completely, with my body and with my mind, yet the sharing of a marital breakup is a bit over the top, in my opinion.  Still, i do slip and find myself expressing my frustrations to Him, then pulling back when i realize it has nothing to do with He and i, and how we relate to each other.

        life sure is baffling sometimes.

So it is now a proclaimed war with the raccoon.

The hubster, in spite of our growing differences, does really care that the raccoon is virtually living right above my head, and that the trapdoor to the attic is in my bedroom.  And raccoons do know how to open things up, don't they?  Garbage cans and the like. 

So he pulled the trap out from its hiding place in the basement and set it up with a slice of bread and peanut butter.  It is one of those friendly traps, not the kind that kill but the sort that captures, so that one can take said captive to the wilds and release it to a better life. 

Uh huh.

        If life was so much better "out there", then what is it doing in my attic?

        i couldn't resist the urge to climb the ladder to the trapdoor and take a peek for myself, into the domain this raccoon has decided to make home.  What a mess!  Although the attic has a sharply sloped roof-line, it is a rather large space, filled with that blown-in type of insulation.   i commented about whether or not this is a healthy thing and upon hearing the muffled words (the hubster had his head buried in the farthest corner of a small space over the house's addition) "no it's not healthy at all ... don't breath too deeply", i very quickly made a retreat back down the ladder.  Okay, so i found it fascinating that the attic floor looked somewhat like the surface of the moon.   But not that fascinating, that i am willing to put my lungs at risk.  And now i am stuffed up, having trouble breathing.  Heh!  Probably all in my head!

        And i do have a rash today, across my shoulders.  i think as i work hard to keep myself calm, my body is saying "oh yeah?" 

        Just for the record, this is really Tuesday night, October 12/99.  But, like a friend i have, i got ahead of myself on my posts, and because of the style of calendar we are using, we can't just put "same day, only later". 

        It's Master's fault.  He talked us both into doing this.  *eg*

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