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yesterday: previous posts ...

tomorrow: future musings ...

small thing, big impact:  Master letting me indulge my need to do some nesting by cleaning out more of His cupboards

me: this is actually my webpage, which will need to be worked on as well, especially since i am making life-changes

email: yes, please :)

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... snuggle day ... winter is upon us ...

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     The office manager has finally accepted reality. She asked to speak with me privately this morning, and we discussed exactly when i would be leaving and where she should mail my final cheque and separation papers. So, now it is official. my last day of working here will be December 16, 1999. my van will be packed with the few remaining items i still have at my girlfriend's house and when i go to see Master that night, i won't be returning "home". i shall be gently snuggled in with Him. Where i know i belong. And staying.

     After 21 years of living in the same place, i am feeling a bit overwhelmed. But also excited and hopeful, and peaceful. Finally :)

     Sometimes i don't sleep completely through the night, waking up and dozing off frequently. It happened this past weekend, and each time i moved in closer to Master's warmth. During one of those moments, i felt compelled to take His hand in mine and bring it up to circle my throat. As i felt the weight of it i murmered; "i like when You do this." And i do. i love the possessiveness and dominance of the gesture. my already small neck feels even tinier against the largeness of His hand, and i revel in it.

     Then i added a comment which i knew He would understand because of a conversation He and i had before sleeping that night. "... and i *am* ready to wear Your collar," i said. "But i didn't want You to feel i was pushing You." To which, after a pause, He replied; "It isn't good to give mixed messages."

    i know.

    i think my largest fear about collaring is that things are going so well, i am afraid to risk having anything go wrong. i have two failed marriages. The first time, after 6 months of dating the man who eventually became the father of my children, my father asked him what his intentions were toward me. He was subtly informed about what my father's expectations were. After the conversation ended, he came to my house, and during a hastily prepared dinner, told me of what dad had said, then asked me to marry him. i said yes, as i already knew this was what my parents wanted. i cried walking down the aisle on my wedding day. Not from tears of joy, although i genuinely cared for this man, but rather because i knew in my heart i wasn't ready. i felt like i had been bartered. i felt that he had to be pushed into marrying me; that i didn't merit being asked just on my own worth. He spent many years frustrated by my inability to love him back the way he loved me.

     The second marriage, i did the asking. This man is a good-natured and caring person, whom i knew would be good with and for my children. i cared very much about him, and i knew the path i was following was spiralling downhill very quickly. i needed a lifeline, and he was willing be that. i also had decided that i was only getting older and i should be settling down, and since offers weren't coming in, that i needed to take matters into my own hands. i think this time i was mostly responsible for making myself feel unworthy. i had the idea that i wasn't good enough for those men on the "right side" of the tracks, and here was a good natured east-side boy who didn't mind if i didn't measure up. Crazy thoughts i was having then. But i was caught in the depths of drugs and drinking and hanging with the "bad boys".

     Yet our natures ultimately didn't match, no matter how hard we both tried. The day of the wedding, people were taking bets on whether i would even show. Others were amazed that i had talked him into the marriage. Which underlined my unworthiness, in my mind. i had to ask, instead of *being asked*. Both times, the men had to be prodded. my thought was that neither spontaneously wanted me.

    Because of my work during the past year, i am learning that i am indeed a very worthy person. Occasionally i still slide back a bit, but i am acquiring the skills to pull myself forward again. And Master is there with a watchful eye on my progress. Yet, the idea of "asking" for a collar has felt much like having to once again barter myself. Just like in my past. i have been spending time examining that fact and sorting out how best to deal with it. And i think i have the answers. My mistake was i was wallowing in negativity. i won't let myself do that anymore.

    i am worthy of wearing His collar.

    i have worked hard with Him and for Him

    i deserve to be that proud. i very selfishly want to be that proud. i have earned it. And this type of *selfish* is just fine. i want to stand tall and with pride, state that i wear my Master's collar. And know that He is a proud of me as i am of being with Him.

    i am not bartering. i am offering something valuable.

    i am offering me.

    The very best me that i am. And the even better me yet to come. That He saw, and helped me find.

    And for the very first time in my life, i not only let someone into my heart.

    i let Him into my head.

... shadoe

November 29/99

... back to the beginning