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yesterday: previous posts ...

tomorrow: future musings ...

small thing, big impact: ... still enjoying the fog ...

me: this is actually my webpage, which will need to be worked on as well, especially since i am making life-changes

yes, please :)

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... i'm having a "wistful" day ...

     5:30 in the morning is a disgustingly early time of the day to have to rise. It was necessary though, in order for me to travel "home" and back to work. Yet having the extra evening with Master was a delicious treat, so all in all very much worth the effort. Soon i wont have to leave at all.

     i was lost in the pages of a book for most of the trip back. At one point though i felt compelled to lift my head and look out the window. To my delight i discovered a fog so thick that the factory we were passing by was completely enshrouded. Only the closest pillars of the steel structure could be seen and seemed like silent floating sentinals. There was a fire burning from one of the chimneys and i could just barely make out its flickering heat. i loved it.

     i think i will get lonely for the fog once i move.

     Master let me loose in His kitchen yesterday. i think He was glad not to be around, having to go into work, because He was cautioning me not to be a madbrain with my cleaning; that it was supposed to be a day of rest for me. But i know He could see the glint in my eye as i (im)patiently waited for my chance at all the re-organizing. Everything in that room was set up for a tall person! And i am somewhat vertically challenged.

    i don't think He was out of the yard yet, before i began. First by eating a cold pork chop; happily munching away while i organized my thoughts and ideas. (yes i love cold pork chops!) There were a few times that i became overwhelmed at this challenge i had created for myself, wondering what to do with all the "stuff" i found, but eventually things started coming together quite nicely and i ended up changing the location of dishes and linens. And pots. And tea and foil wrap and glasses and chopsticks. i did leave a few things in their original resting place. Well the cutlery anyway. i was afraid to push my luck too far, in case He made me put everything back!

     i had a great time though! i had selected some upbeat cd's and indulged in some singing while no one was about to hear me. (i have a totally non-musical voice and no that is not an n.b.i.!! facts is facts :) A few times i laughed as i caught myself standing on a chair, trying to decide what to move next, and dancing instead. And feeling a bit silly as i literally had to crawl into a bottom cupboard because i was too short to reach the edges.

    i sit here now recalling how much fun i was having, and wondering if Master is coping with the changes. i certainly enjoyed being able to reach things without needing a chair though!

    i wonder if He is ever going to let me near His heap of t'shirts :)

          ... shadoe ...

   November 22/99

... back to the beginning