Current Cool Promotions A - H

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A&W Hot Dogs & More
Betty Crocker
Blue Bunny Ice Cream
Broadpoint Communications
Burger King
Bush's Baked Beans
Carl's Jr.
Chevron Cars
Chik Fil A
Cracker Jacks
Cream of Wheat
Dairy Queen Kids Meal Toys
Dannon Yogurt
Franco American
Fuji Film
General Mills Cereal Offers
Hostess Snack Cakes
Hot Wheels

A&W Hot Dogs & More

December 1998/January 1999 - A&W Root Beer Bear bean bag toys! Found at Eastridge Shopping Center for $1.99 each plus tax. This time he's wearing a green shirt. You can also get the Bear inside a plastic mug for $3.99 plus tax. Too bad it isn't a glass mug.

December 1997 - A&W Root Beer Bear bean bag toys! $1.99 at the restaurant, no purchase necessary. If you need help locating the nearest one, call 1 (800) 727 - 6225 EST. Have fun! If you're located in or near Silly Valley, then Eastridge Shopping Center has an A&W Hot Dogs & More store selling these babies for $2.29 each. This version is wearing a shirt in the same color orange as their logo.


Galactic Adventure  July 1998
Command Ship, Mobilaser with platform, Scout Saucer, Repair Pod with platform. All four pieces connect together. They come with stickers that you need to apply.

Betty Crocker

Cute little package for Easter. Get a miniature Trix bunny in a box. This is a 3 box package. The liner is the handle for Trix bunny's Easter basket that you make. There's two boxes of Easter sprinkles brownies in this set. The Trix bunny is like a teenie beanie. Found this item at Target for $5.99.

Get a Die-cast car. $2.95 + 1 UPC.

Blue Bunny Ice Cream

Get a Blue Bunny bean bag toy. Only $5.95 for this 7" plush toy. Shipping and handling looks to be about $5 from what I've heard (I've not ordered so can't say for sure). Click here to order your own.

Broadpoint Communications

Click here to sign up for free long distance calls in the US. Listen to 10-15 second ads to get 2 minutes of talk time. Haven't tried it yet so I can't say much about this new service. You kind of have to judge how long you might want to talk and then listen to that amount of ads before making your call so this won't work for anything more than social calls. Any time left unused is not bankable and is lost.

Burger King

Bush's Baked Beans

Bean dog Duke for $3.99 plus 2 UPCs and CRT dated after 5/15/99. Offer expires 12/31/99. Limit 5 bean dogs. One order form only.


Spotted in the 2/21/99 Sunday coupons. Weebeans Turkey beanie from Butterball. Hmm. Specifies Collector Series and customized plush tag. Must buy 1/2 pound of Butterball Deli Meats and send cash register tape along with $1.95. You also get back a $2 coupon. Offer expires 8/15/99. Offer comes with 55 cents off coupon good on 1 pound.

Carl's Jr.


3 Limited edition Charmin cuddly cubs. Amy (peach/pink), Dillon (yellow), Bill (brown). 'Free' by mail with $5.99 shipping and handling and 2 UPC symbols from 2 large packages of Charmin. Offer valid from 6/2/02 through postmark 8/31/02. Hmm, got papa, guess I'll have to send away for these babies.


New toy cars! Tina Turbo, Kelly Kompact, and Cary Carrier. No pictures yet since I've not seen them myself yet.
Ooh! A limited edition cartoony car is available from Chevron in the Tic-Tac-Techron game. Must collect 3 game pieces to win. His name is Davey Driver.

If you get one and want to trade it or sell it to me, then send me an email at Note: there are no numbers in my email.

[Chevron Cartoony Cars]
There are two new cartoony cars! Leslie LX - a yellow luxury car. Danni Driver - a purple student driver car.
  1. Holly Hatchback - orange car with door ding and dog in shopping cart. $6.99
  2. Horace 'N Trailer - a horse trailer with horse. $4.49
  3. Pete Pick-Up - blue truck with hay and chicken payload. $6.99
  4. Patti police car
  5. Tyler taxi cab
  6. Freddie 4-wheeler ( green w/ 2 bikes to go on the bike rack )
  7. Sam Sedan
  8. Tony Turbo
  9. Wendy Wagon

Click here to order the cars directly! All of them should be available Spring '98 as they are making more Freddy 4-Wheeler, Wendy Wagon, and Sam Sedan. Beware! The site is extremely slow. You must be verrrry patient and persistent. If you are not, however, try 1-800-562-9967 to order by phone.

Chik Fil A

At the Florida Mall, Chik Fil A is offering a cow antenna topper for $1 donation to the September 11th fund. For a $6 donation, you get a cow beanie and a sandwich. The cow beanies have team names for what I guess are the local teams. I didn't have any room to pack these babies back so didn't get one. Wouldn't have found this out if my original flight hadn't been canceled since I wouldn't have had time to visit the mall.

Cracker Jacks

Cute limited edition FAO Schwarz Bingo plush dog. $12.00 plus $3.99 shipping and handling.

There is also a contest to win a life sized plush pony (gawd, where to put it?) with retail value of $3000. Look for specially marked packages of Cracker Jacks for details. You can also check it out here on the web.

There is also a basketball game you can play for a chance to win the limited edition Bingo plush toy. You must be the high scorer on Monday at noon. Those scores are way too high already, but doesn't mean you can't try anyhow.

The brand Cracker Jacks has just recently been bought by Frito Lay and plans are in the works for better prizes. It's a good thing too since they don't taste as good as the competition.

Cream of Wheat

Spotted in the Sunday ad supplements for August 29, 1999. Stir in the Fun Watch Offer. $5.99 plus 15 empty packets for each watch ordered. No obvious expiration date. Offer good while supplies last.

Dairy Queen

  • February 2000 - Dairy Queen Beanies

    Four cute little bean bag toys. Berry, Curly, Chilly, and Cookie. Click here to order your own set of 4 for $7.99. There is also a 12" plush of Blizzard Cone dude.

  • Ooh! Looks like they have a nice little page for Kids' promotions now. Visit their homepage from the Fast Food Links page. They even have a contact for those of us in Dairy Queen starved areas. They have a tasty, substantial kids meal for kids and adults :).

    Dannon Yogurt

    Sunday supplement coupons. Offer to get one of four different Dannon Danimals Bean-filled Plush Toy. Expires 4/30/99. Requires 1 UPC and $1.99. Call 1-800-321-2174 to find out about future opportunities to collect other Dannon Danimals.


    Fall 1998  Itchy and Scratchy bean bags are $2.99.

    Summer 1998  Wishbone plush dog available.


    Sunday supplement and online. Offer good while supplies last. Dole Banana Shuffle offer. Get Bobby Banana Shuffle plush toy with Banana Shuffle CD and 5 A Day Adventures CD for $10.95 and a Dole Banana sticker. May 20, 2001 supplement with repeat on June 24, 2001.

    Sunday supplement. Offer expires 9/30/99. Requires CRT and 4 UPCs from Dole products and $2.50 to get one of 5 Dole Wild Discovery Babies. There is Aloha the dolphin, Mandarin the panda, Iceberg the polar bear, Papaya the parrot, and Cinnamon the brown bear.

    Sunday supplement. Unknown expiry date. $9.95 plus one Dole fruit sticker. Get 4 plush Dole fruit pals.


    Special Ebay PEZ. Crystal colored hearts. Set of four on special cards. To commemorate the fact that eBay was started to auction off PEZ. Apparently, the first batch cut off for ordering was yesterday 5/31/01 5pm. pacific time.



    Offer for 3 Entenmann's Bean Bag Sweeties. Expires 10/31/98. Each bean bag sweetie is free with 5 UPCs or $4.99 plus 2 UPCs. There is a cupcake, chocolate cookie?, and sprinkled cookie?. They all have arms and legs. Requires purchase of Entenmann's products 6 oz or larger with CRT. Thrift store purchases are excluded from this offer.

    Franco American

    Spotted on cans of Spaghetti Os. A special offer for a bean filled 4 1/2" plush TheO key ring/dangler. $1 shipping and handling plus 4 labels. Offer expires 1/31/00. Limit 4.


    Collect Ploids to get your very own Chester Cheetah bean bag toy!. Click here to get an order form. Requires 85 Ploids and $1 shipping and handling. You may "buy" Ploids at 10 cents each with a minimum of 20 "real" Ploids collected per order. Cool stuff offer ends 5/16/99.

    Fuji Film

    African Safari bean bag animals. Get one for $1.99 + 6 UPCs from video or audio cassettes + CRT. Offer expires 3/1/00. There are 3 animals featured: elephant, zebra, leopard.

    General Mills

    Hershey's Chocolate

    Cute little Hershey's Kiss clock. Sunday supplement 1/23/2000. Offer requires $9.95 and 2 UPCs from Valentines packages (6+ oz or something like that). Offer expires 2/29/2000. No limit except availability.

    Spotted at the local KBToy store. Hershey's bar, Reese's bar, and 4 different colored Kisses (red, green, gold, and silver) bean bag toys. They were $4.99.

    Spotted in the Sunday coupons. A special offer for a Hershey's Chocolate Lab bean bag toy. He's cute, wears black shades, and has a red bandana around his neck. Limit 5 per household. $3.99 per toy and 2 UPCs from Hershey's Chocolate Milk Mix 14.5 oz or larger. Offer expires 7/1/99. Time to get a chocolate milk moustache. Click here to print the online form.

    Hostess Snack Cakes

    Spotted on a box of Hostess Cupcakes. 2 UPCs to order a yo-yo in the form of the Hostess Cupcake.

    Hot Wheels

    Brach's has a new gummy Hot Wheels candy offer. 2 UPCs and 50 cents shipping and handling will get you a Hot Wheels car. Not sure if there are 6 or just one car available. There is no space on the form to indicate how many or what car you want.

    Check out this cool Scorchin' Scooter exclusive from Jiffy Lube! Click here to order your own! Limit one order per household and 5 total I think. Must order $20 gift certificate for the first one and pay $10 for each additional. Add appropriate tax and shipping.

    Another Jiffy Lube exclusive is the VW Racing Bus! Click here to order your own! Same deal as above.

    Van de Kamp's fish sticks has two cars available. Expires 12/31/98. Each car requires 26 VDK points (roughly 3 pkgs). There is a pink Deora and a VW Racing Bus available.

    See Kellogg's section of New and Cool.

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