Current Cool Promotions

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Jack In the Box
Kellogg's Cereal
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kid Cuisine
Little Caesar's
Little Debbie Snacks
MonsterBook Free Stock
Nabisco Fruit 'n' Grain Bars
Nabisco Nilla Wafers
Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams
NBC Beany Peacock

Jack In the Box

Kellogg's Cereal

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kid Cuisine

Talking Furby Buddy offer. 3 UPCs, CRT, and $3.50 shipping and handling. Offer expires 3/31/2001.

Little Caesar's

Not sure when they started kid's meals, but it seems that a lot of chains are trying them out.

Little Debbie Snacks

Third edition of the Little Debbie Barbie is now offered on backs of specially marked Little Debbie Snacks.
A Hot Wheels cars set is also offered.



Cute little Mini M&M's characters wearing hats with reindeer antlers.

Spotted at one Target store (either the others are sold out or this one is different). Bendable M&M characters (red, blue, green, and yellow). They come two to a package with a tiny bag of M&M's. Each package was $4.99 plus tax. No more blue/green packages left :(.

Cute little Mini M&M's characters wearing bunny ear hats are out for Easter.

Collectible M&M's Racing Team Die Cast car offer. Offer expires 1/31/01. Requires 3 King size M&M's plain or peanut candy UPCs and $3.49 (ouch). Retail value is $5.99.

MonsterBook Stock Offer

Free stock in this new company. Use my referral number 409079 if you decide you want to get some free stock. Click here to sign yourself up. They are actually "local" to me in San Francisco. Not quite sure what they sell yet. It looks like a big book of URLs maybe. There is a FAQ now that explains it partially but I'm still confused. Your information will not be sold to marketers.

Nabisco Fruit and Grain Bars

Cute little fruit beanies. Raspberry, Apple, and Strawberry. They are second winner prizes in a contest. I don't think you can mail away for them, bummer! They're giving away 500 of them.

Nabisco Nill Wafers

Cute little Nilla Gorilla plush bean bag toy. Offer expires Oct 31, 2000. Mail in offer available on specially marked boxes. Requires 2 UPCs and $1.25 shipping and handling. Limit 2 per household. Retail value is $5.95.

Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams

Cute little Honey Maid Graham bean bag toy. Offer expires 5/21/2000. Requires 2 UPCs for each bee. There does not appear to be any limits. Shipping and handling of $2.25 per bee. They might substitute the bee with an item of equal or greater value if they run out. Retail value is $6.00. You may also win a bee, or a car, or a bike. Chances of winning a bee are 1 in 68. Really cute, cute, cute!

NBC Beany Peacock

Order this little $10 cutie direct! Click here and get yours too!
[Picture of NBC Peacock]

Nequik Plush Bunny

Nesquik plush bunny offer on specially marked packages. Free with 4 points, CRT, and $2.00 shipping and handling. Additional bunnies $3.00 plus $2.00 shipping and handling each with a total limit of 3 per household. Offer expires 5/30/01 or while supplies last.
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