Current Cool Promotions P - Z

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Pepperidge Farm
Pillsbury Doughboy
Pizza Hut
Post Cereals
Precious String Cheese
Quaker Cereal
Red Baron Pizza
Sargento Moo Town
Star Kist Tuna
Subway's Kids Meal Toys
Sunny Delight
Taco Bell Kids Meal Toys
Teddy Grahams
Tony's Pizza
Warheads Sour Gummy Wallys

Pepperidge Farm

Sunday supplement. Offer expires 4/30/99. A limited edition Goldfish bean bag bunny. Requires 2 UPCs from 2 different products out of four and CRT dated 3/1/99 through 4/30/99 and $3 per Goldfish bunny. Limit is 2 digits fill in the blank.


Pillsbury Doughboy Cookie Cutter Free inside specially marked packages of Pillsbury flour.

Pillsbury Doughboy bean bag toy! (Ad insert, limit 1).
Order direct here . You'll have to search for him though since they have this new ordering cart setup.
[Picture of doughboy]
Also, a Tickle-Me Doughboy!

Tee Hee! 2/24/98 I found the Doughboy bean bag toy at Long's Drug store. It's for sale at $6.99. I suggest ordering direct since this guy gets rather filthy fast at the stores. I can't believe how much 'dirt' or colored fabric from other toys that the doughboy just seems to pick up.

It has recently come to my attention that the bean bag Doughboy offered at Long's Drugs store is slightly different from the one available on their web site and the one from the ad offer. The site and ad offer Doughboy has a soft head while the one from Long's has a flocked hard plastic head.

Pizza Hut

Post Cereals

Mail in offers on Post Cereals for a Furby Buddy. Requires 2 UPCs, form with colored in Furby (for contest), and $3.55 shipping and handling. The contest is for a chance to win a trip to the Furby Design Studio or one of 2000 Furby electronic toys. Offer expires 6/1/2000. Forms may also be found on JELL-O Yogurt. Write to Furby Entry Form, PO Box 466142, Lawrenceville, GA 30042-6142 by 5/10/2000 to get an entry form (you do not need to buy anything to enter the sweepstakes.

Precious String Cheese

Spotted in the Sunday ad supplements for August 29, 1999. There is a Precious Stuffed Character for $2.50 and one proof of purchase. Offer expires 11/30/99.

Quaker Cereal

Red Baron Pizza

A Red Baron Kite is available. See specially marked packages for details.


Rice-a-Roni kitchen timer! Ad insert.

Sargento Moo Town

Cash in those Cow Chips! On specially marked packages of cheese and crackers is an offer for a bean bag Moo Town Mo. Cute little cow that can be yours for $2 and 4 Cow Chips. Expires 3/31/99.



Anastasia watch. Ad insert. No space for specifying quantity so it must be one per order form. $2.95 plus POP from Smucker's jam 32 oz. with dated CRT and POP from Anastasia video and dated CRT.


[Spam Beanie] A Spam beanie. Looks like the blue can with SPAM written on it and 2 arms and legs sticking out of it. Needs 48 SPAM points, minimum 4 SPAM points, each missing SPAM point may be bought for 25 cents. Must get SPAM points from new SMP of SPAM cans. Each remaining SPAM point can be bought for 25 cents. Cost is $12.50 for one SPAM beanie including shipping with minimum 4 SPAM points. Click here to go get a form and order your very own SPAM beanie!

Star Kist Tuna

"Charlie® Baby" Beanbag Toy! Ad insert. $2.49 2 StarKist® Tuna products, 1 Barilla® Pasta product, and CRT. Offer expires 5/17/99 or while supplies last. Limit one per form.

Click here to print out an order form from their web site.


All information comes from their web site since they give me a headache everytime I try to order a kid's meal so I stick to friendlier chains such as Taco Bell, Burger King, and McDonald's. Subway's prices tend to vary by as much as a $1 from location to location and the way they prepare the kid's sandwich differs also. Too unpredictable for my tummy :(. And to think, they want to be the healthy chain forcing you to eat more than you want like regular restaurants.

Sunny Delight

Spotted in the Sunday ad supplements on August 29, 1999. Free Sunny Delight NFL Football Drink Cooler with 3 Sunny Delight 8 or 12 pack proofs of purchase. Offer must be postmarked by November 30, 1999. Limit one per name, address, or envelope.

Taco Bell

Teddy Grahams

Set of 5 Teddy Grahams finger puppets. Offer on SMP expires 10/31/01. Requires 2 UPCs and CRT.

New Millennium Teddy Graham. $3.99 shipping and handling and 2 UPCs per bear with no limit. Expires June 30, 2000 or while supplies last. Comparable value replacement if they run out. Offer available on specially marked boxes of Teddy Grahams crackers.

Cuddly bean bag toys. Collect all 4 flavors of Teddy Graham. Spicey the cinnamon bear. Yummy the honey bear. Chuncky the chocolate bear. Chip the chocolatey chip bear. Each bear is free with 2 Teddy Grahams Bear Seals and $1 shipping and handling or 1 set for 7 seals and $4 shipping and handling. Click here to see their kids web site.


August 28, 2000 - October 1, 2000 - US Olympic plush animals. $5.99 each or $4.99 if you use your VISA card.
  1. Aussie Koala - turns into a soccor ball.
  2. Skip Kangaroo - turns into a basketball
  3. Toots Cockatoo - turns into a volleyball
  4. Razma Tazmanian Devil - turns into a baseball
All toys require a minimum $10 product purchase before you can buy the plush animal.


The Teletubbies are coming! An inane little show targeted to very young children (like 1 yr olds). They are a big hit in the UK and they will be coming to the US soon. There are four little aliens with antennas on their heads and tvs in their stomachs. They are: Tinky Winky (purple), Dipsy (green), Laa-Laa (yellow), and Po (red). I'm not sure if I'll get to see them since one of the local PBS stations declined to carry it, citing that the show lacked educational merit. The picture above shows the bean bag versions of the four Teletubbies. Be patient, the show starts playing in April and the toys should be here in May!

Tony's Pizza

Get a Racing Champions Race Car! Only 75 cents with 6 UPCs or $3.50 with 2 UPCs. Offer expires 11/30/98. Click here to print out an order form.

Collect Tony's FunStuff points to get special merchandise like a really cool foot tall Tony doll for 70 points or 35 points and $3.50 plus shipping and handling!

Warheads Sour Gummy Wallys

Free Wally Dudes. Requires 8 UPCs and $1.95 shipping and handling. Spotted in Walgreen's. Wally Dudes plush figures that open to reveal a storage pouch for warheads candy. Soccer, Superhero, Caveman.

Welch's Collectible Jelly Glasses


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