
A little story about this place.

What are we? Why are we here? These are timeless questions. Questions that universally will probably never be answered, however, in regarding this page the answers are only a bit of reading away.

The birthdate of 'The Night World' in so far as many have come to know it, is January 10th of the year 1999. But looking back, this page existed long before that. Or to say a year or more. It was even then named 'Night World', but there were vast differences.

For starters, the page had absolutely nothing to do with LJ Smith. Yes, you heard correctly. This site was 100% origional and Lisa Jane Smith-less. It's primary purpose was still RP, providing a home for a unique roleplaying game that a friend and myself created. Members of NW, as it is now, at times complain of few showing up to the game. I shall share something with you. A small fact about the first game that this page hosted, there were only 4 members.


Yes, only four. And those were some of the best rp's I have ever had the pleasure of being part of. The characters were well thought out, well played and there was something else that made it all so much better. It was soley done for fun. There was never any feeling of obligation, of responsibility.. everyone, all four of us, were completely unburdened by the game.

Times change, as now it often may seem people come to the NW rp out of feeling they must. I have news for all of you, there is nothing in life one has to do. Nothing. You always have another choice. For instance, going to school. Nobody can force you. You can chose not to attend, there are concequences true. But the choice is yours. Same with breathing. You can physically decide whether to inhale or not. Again concequences.. if you don't breath you die. But that's still an option. What am I trying to indicate here? You don't have to come.. you don't have to be a part of a game that you don't find very gamey. If it's too much like work - stop doing it. Only work should be like work, something that is done in one's spare time shouldn't ever be that way.

Anyway, back to the story. This small, yet active, group of rpers knew how to have fun with it. There wasn't any sitting idley by watching and complaining of boredom. Everyone took part in the action. They came up with new twists and turns for everyone else to enjoy. There wasn't any 'reading a book' time after time. If a book was read it was for a purpose. Not to fill in time for one who is being a useless partaker in an rp. Rp. That's an interesting thought. It stands for Role-Playing. Keyword - Playing. An action verb meaning 'to play'.

Eventually the time came when the site was forever altered. Converting from what it was to what it is. You might wonder why I would change it, if the game was so much fun. The simple truth is, I wanted to. I wanted to form a game that could become much larger, include more people and thus provide fun and entertainment for more than the four of us.

The end result was Night World, present day. At times I think I've failed. When the only person in rp is me, that thought kind of forces itself on one. But the comforting thought is, whether I have failed or not, I tried. I can't do everything, pride aside. I can't make anyone have fun. I can't make anyone show up. That's up to you. I refuse to take responsibility for that anymore.

Three of the old four are gone. I miss them and their distinct personalities. I don't regret changing the game. I have had the honor of meeting many different people because of that choice. And, NW now has been responsible for my gaining friendships of people I only semi knew before hand. Like my dear sister, Ashley (Iliana), and the never to be left out, K' (Alanae). For all of that, the game has been completley worth whatever I have had to do. I hope everyone can say the same.

Blessed be...



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