Cool Hand Luke: A Tony Geary Website

Hello and welcome to my new and improved Anthony Geary website[a great actor btw. yes i said it!more here.. On this site you will find pretty
much everything that was on the old site, with a few exceptions. I am getting rid of the mailing
list, because I don't have the time or the energy to do it. Perhaps someone else can. I am also
getting rid of the Bravenet cartoon of the day, just because. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new
site. If you have any comments, let me know. Please note that the above email address is my personal email address, not a way for
you to contact Mr. Geary. I cannot forward any letters you send to that address to him. A further
disclaimer can be found at the bottom of the page. Thank you.
That's right! Mr. Anthony Geary won the Soap Opera Digest Award for Outstanding Lead Actor on
March 10, 2000! CONGRATULATIONS TONY! Below is a picture from the event, courtesy of my friend
and fellow webmistress, Lisa Q, owner of Luke's World.
Two other pictures from the event, also courtesy of Lisa, can be found on the Photogallery Index.
Please keep in mind that these three pictures are used with permission and may not be taken from
this website without first asking Lisa.

Below you will find a list of all the pages on this site. I do plan on adding to the site as I get more information...if it takes awhile,
please forgive me. It's not exactly easy to find information on this man, popular though he is!

MARCH 31, 2000: I added that link that's right below here! You can got here to rate Tony and other daytime stars, give your
opinions of things and much more! Check it out!

My Guestbook
My Guestbook
DISCLAIMER: This is a fan site, not an official one. I have
no control over the information on this site, but I do try to make it as accurate
as I possibly can. I am not associated with Anthony Geary, General
Hospital or ABC-TV in any way. Comments and suggestions about this site can be
emailed to the address near the top of this page. Thanks.