Rules for Happy Loving!

Hey! Glad you made it over to our page. Here you will find what we think are the Universal Rules of Relationships also known as Robert's Rules of Love. We came to these conclusions after careful consideration of what everyone wants in a realtionship, what makes people smile and laugh. It took many long hours of thinking and calculating but we think we got it right. If you follow the rules and things still don't work out for you and your sweetie, please don't come a yelling at us....we tried our best to help and we're sure you tried too. So...if you still feel like reading on, please do and go out and love somebody!
The Editor and Creator...who are yes...happily in love

be sure to visit So You Want To Be Romantic... our other site for the hopeless romantic or the hopeless at romance...

Our newest site is just full of...stuff!!! Cool Stuff For Love

Something new for the page is...a mascot! This is our page's mascot. We don't have a name for him/her so if you'd like to send your idea for a cute bunny name please send it here! with the subject line "bunny name" We'll let you know what name we pick...
If you'd like to see the editor and creator's other furry here and follow the link.

Rule #1 Show Your Partner Affection Often
(hugs, kisses...whatever you think affection means)
Rule #2 If Your Partner Says S/He Likes Something, Do It
(it'll make him/her feel sooo special)
Rule #3 Be Sincerly Interested In Your Partner's Hobbies
(computers, mountain climbing, off roading, whatever, read books about it, look at webpages...but be sincere)
Rule#4 Share Things
(if your partner usually plans your dates, plan one for a change)
Rule#5 Surprise Your Partner
(pick up on hints s/he may have said and you'll both be surprised at what happens)
Rule#6 Be Supportive of Your Partner
(if it's a busy time at work or school, be there for your partner and de-stress him/her in what ever way you see fit)
Rule#7 Involve Your Partner In Your Life
(even the simplest things to you might mean more than you think)
Rule#8 Plan Things/Goals Together
(walk a wildlife trail at a nearby park,skydive,whatever...goals don't have to be serious!)
Rule#9 Touch Often
(massages, get the idea...there is nothing more soothing than a lover's touch)
Rule#10 Call Because You Missed Your Partner's Voice
(you'd be surprised where the conversation goes from there...can't be that bad, there's a song about it!)

never let the sun set on your anger

Lovin the Links

Is The Editor On Line: check on AOL if She's Signed on
Email the Editor: with questions or comments
All About Romance: nuf said
E-Kiss The One You Love: send a v-kiss
Virtual Flowers: send some v-flowers
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Visitors Since October 3d, 1998
Page Created On October 3d, 1998
Last Modified on January 11th, 1999

may your love always bloom

~made by mich~

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