Three Men and a Baby (1988)

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Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

Rated: PG
Starring: Tom Selleck, et al.
Director: Leonard Nimoy

Edition Details:
• NTSC format (for use in US and Canada only)
• Color, Closed-captioned, HiFi Sound, Surround Sound, Digital Sound, NTSC
• Number of tapes: 1
• ASIN: 6301157141

Reviews   Order this Item
Never mind the retreaded drug subplot or the pat ending--this film still has some incredibly tender and humorous moments. Three confirmed bachelors find a baby on their doorstep, and they have to cope with providing the little girl's basic necessities. Watching these professional men become entirely discombobulated by the child provides the most humorous moments, but as they warm to her presence and their foster paternal instincts, the film takes to a level of sincerity not often encountered. This is easily Tom Selleck's best film (that goes for Guttenberg and Danson, too), and he provides a fierce protective sense that's nearly palpable. Pretty much a must for any new parents or anyone who just wants to relive the trials, tribulations, and darn-near panic of learning just which way the diaper tape should face. --Keith Simanton

From Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide Order this Item
Enjoyable remake of France's big hit THREE MEN AND A CRADLE, about a trio of swinging bachelor roommates who suddenly find themselves custodians of an infant. Winning performances all around help keep this buoyant comedy on-track from start to finish. Followed by 3 MEN AND A LITTLE LADY.
Copyright© Leonard Maltin, 1998, used by arrangement with Signet, a division of Penguin Putnam, Inc.

Synopsis Order this Item
A remake of the hit French comedy "Trois Hommes et un Couffin" ("Three Men and a Cradle") about a trio of confirmed bachelors who unexpectedly discover the joys of fatherhood when a baby is left on their doorstep. The three men -- an actor, an architect and a cartoonist -- share a swanky pad where they entertain a steady succession of one-night stands. This all changes when a woman appears at their apartment one day with the actor's illegitimate infant. Dad happens to be out of town at the time, so it's up to his two woefully inexperienced roommates to deal with the baby that has been abandoned to their care.

Video Description Order this Item
The efforts of three confirmed bachelors to care for the infant offspring of one of them provides for some comical and heartwarming situations, especially because the infant is a girl. Remake of the French film "3 Men and a Cradle."

Video Annotation Order this Item
Color by DeLuxe; filmed in Panavision. Estimated budget of $15 million. FilmNet (pay TV -- Belgium/Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland) Filmed in Kleinberg and Toronto, Ontario, Canada; New York City, and Los Angeles, California. Began shooting April 20, 1987; completed shooting June 26, 1987. Released in the USA November 25, 1987; released on video November 15, 1988. Twins Lisa and Michelle Blair played the baby Mary. Remake of the successful 1985 French comedy "Trois Hommes et un Couffin" directed by Coline Serreau. Serreau was slated to direct the American version but withdrew from the project. Rated BBFC PG by the British Board of Film Censors.

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Availability as of January 1999 - Please check details before ordering.


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