Chris & Mary & Khan's Page

We are going to use this page to share some of our interests with you.

Especially Freemasonry, racing, and Legos. It will change frequently and, until I learn something

about HTML, will be a long, large, stream-of-consciousness effort.

There is a link at the bottom to email us.

We are gradually going to sort the Freemasonry, Lego, and Racing to their own pages. Take a shot at the following links:

Chris's Freemasonry page, Chris & Mary's Lego page, Chris & Mary's Racing page

Shayda the Afghan Hound's Memorial page

Masonic Postal Chess Club

This is me trying to figure out how to use this darn computer.


Shayda, our 14 year-old Afghan Hound has died. We raised him from a few weeks old and will miss him a lot. He was active right to the end, and never suffered. Knowing that helps.

May 23, 1984 - September 19, 1998

Here is Khan, our 5 year-old Afghan Hound.

Here is Shayda. He is our 14 year-old Afghan Hound:

Here are Shayda and Khan bored:

Here they are acting stuck up:

Here is Mary's 1968 Chevrolet RS Camaro Conv.

When we were in D.C. last year, one of the plazas near some of the justice buildings

was surrounded by a stone wall/bench area with several bronze chess boards.

And here is a bloom from Mary's new rose bush:

So, what do we do besides play with Lego, take care of the dogs, participate in Masonic activities and go to the races? We SCUBA, ski, sail, parasail, ride horses, go on balloon rides, snorkel, fish, feed a dolphin, and even squeeze in a little work.

email Chris or Mary at: