The Blair Witch Project

Michael Williams

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Mike with his brother Tom.
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Another picture of Mike and his brother.
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Mike doing a little partying.
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Mike at college.
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The biographical sketch of himself Michael Williams composed to accompany Heather's thesis project.

At the age of 5, Mike won first prize in kindergarten for the best drawing of a fish. Since then he has won absolutely nothing except for "Least Likely to Succeed" in his graduating year of high school.

At 19 years old, he decided to head to St. Petersburg, FL, to work on a fishing boat called "The Old Kensico." Three months later he was living back at home.

He had taken two courses in sound mixing and editing for film which is where he met Joshua Leonard. In October 1994, Josh called and asked him if he would like to join himself and Heather Donahue in shooting Heather's senior thesis project about the local legend of the Blair Witch. Mike accepted the job because he knew he could learn a lot from Josh and the experience.

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