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We arrived at Sprat Bay in the mid afternoon.   Peter Island is a beautiful island and a private resort.  They do many things to discourage visiting yachtsmen, such as, charging twice as much for a mooring as other locations, requiring long pants to go ashore after 6PM, etc.  It was, however, worth the visit.                                                        

Here are several views taken from our hikes up the island.

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Thursday morning we motored to Deadman's Bay (first row, far right).  The bottom is grassy and, therefore, was not good for seeing much while snorkeling.

After lunch we sailed to Cooper Island.    Cooper_Island.jpg (64201 bytes)     The best snorkeling was here.  We saw more different kinds of fish than in other places.  What you see in this picture is all that is on the island.   All water and ice have to be brought in.  Electricity is provided by generators.  We did have a wonderful meal of fresh tuna at the Beach Club.

Friday morning we did more snorkeling here.  We then raised the sails for the last time for our return to Roadtown and the end of a wonderful 10 days of sailing.

I would highly recommend a sailing vacation like this (if anyone needs a skipper, let me know!) and would recommend the Moorings for the charter.

Take a look at some of the underwater shots we took.  Most of the ones on the following page were taken by Jonathan.  We used Kodak's one time waterproof cameras.   They're good to about 10-15 feet.

On to the underwater shots          Your comments are welcomed.  Click here to send me email.