ALL Materials within these pagesare copyrighted1997 thru 2005 by
Susan Holm
All rights expressly reserved.
About Galen
So much happening in the world,
 how are you living your life?
 Are you moving forward with your life?
 Wishing that you had made other choices, or perhaps hoping you'll be given a new choice soon....
I know what it's like, I'm on the same journey you are : )
New Beginnings, fresh view points, learning again the lessons we already KNEW before we were ever born....
My name is Galen, which means simply a torch to light the path. I am not a permanent "solution" to life's issues, but a real person, who has experienced living just as you have; sometimes winning, sometimes losing, but not willing to settle as "just a survivor", I have learned how to thrive in this experience called LIFE, and I want to help you learn to thrive as well.
I have faced much of the same pain and loss that you may have experienced. I have cried a million tears of frustration and fear, and wanted to run away more than once. It was after a near-death experience in 1996 that finally, the Universe got my attention and reminded me that what I had thought was "required" (suffering) was not only optional, but my CHOICE; the miracle of choice is that we can make new ones..... and aren't bound by those choices but only by our own fears and limitations. Such a shift in awareness is bound to create new energy flow.
I went on a spirit journey, as you may have, looking for something more than what I had experienced to date.
I found a temporary home ..... and spent more than 3 years there, teaching, and learning, and celebrating the gift of life I had finally come to embrace. I loved my time there.
Eventually tho, it became apparent that my new "home" was only a bus stop, not the destination. All the times I had said "happiness isn't the goal, it's the journey" started ringing in my ears, and I heard loud and clear "ah, Galen? have you been paying attention to what you teach?"
I've always felt the best teachers are those who remember that we are all students at the same time.
And, of course, I wanted to cling to the familiar, rather than take the leap of faith it would require to be successful without the support of what I had come to know as "home".
Reality will come and bite you on the butt if you cling to the easy, or the more familiar hell than an unfamiliar heaven....rather than reach for the gold ring that the Universe is waving in ones face. LOL I know, I'm Experienced with this one!
These pages will grow and change as I share with you my own experiences. I hope you will feel comfortable with sharing yours as well, and join me for a time.
If I can help you work thru a situation in your life, feel free to contact me regarding a private session, either online (currently only available thru AOL) or by AIM, or by phone. With numerous tools, including psychic and astrology, let's remember why you are the person you are, and learn all over again, to celebrate that person, AND welcome the person you are becoming.
More than 27 years experience as a reader and spiritual counselor, I am here to help you live your life fully and with purpose, with love and with passion, and with JOY rather than with regrets.
Remember these keys:
You don't "need" a reading, you have all the information you need, available to you right now. Perhaps you will want to have someone help you access that information, and I can help you there.
Readings do not solve the problems of living, they are meant to help you see your choices more clearly and to offer you ways to function at your highest level of ability on this soulpath you have taken.
You are growing and changing and becoming more aware of your soul purpose each and every day, even on those days when you aren't too sure WHY you are alive. If you are in a struggle, don't give up, instead turn to someone who understands and is willing to show you your strengths and your weaknesses, and work thru them to realize your true potential.
You are not alone, not for an instant. Not only do you already "know" your guides personally, but they are there to help you in ways you never imagined. They don't see you as "selfish" or "egotistical" for asking for help, they are celebrating your "rebirthday" everyday....
There are many people who share your vision of a better world for all. Where children are safe and secure, and free to grow up surrounded by love. There are people who care about YOU, and your problems and pain. You only have to open your heart and they seem to find you, perhaps guided to become a part of your life for a time, or a lifetime.
There is something greater than becoming NUMB to the realities of life. Spirituality can become a drug not unlike any other drug or alcohol, and I want you to realize that and accept responsibility for your choices. While in times of pain or sorrow, our bodies may want to be temporarily numb, it is in the feelings that we become truly aware of our spiritual bodies, that know how to heal, and how to change ones' life from a tavern to a temple.
It's in the acceptance of one's choices, forgiveness of the past, and celebration of this very moment..... that you begin to realize your true value as a human being AND turn your life into a celebration of the Spirit.
May I help you find that door? : -)
Stay in YOUR own light; there, your path is clear and well-lit, and you will never know that fear again as the enemy, but as your friend, leading you beyond all the walls of your yesterdays.
Living Spiritually means Living Responsibility as a VERB : )