Political Links:
These are all links that I recommend, for as many reasons as there are grains of sand. ONE Thing I have learned.... we are responsible for each other, by the choices we make, the truths we share, and the passion with which we will defend our planet.
I'm talking politics a lot these days. Because politicians make a huge impact on the choices we have to make on any given day.
They can make or break......... a FAMILY. A Culture. A Country. A Law. A Life, the life of a child, the life of those too weak, too poor, to ask for help.
Prior to the 2000 "ELECTION" (and I use that word advisedly), I did one of my last group chats in my private room. At the time, I saw what would happen if for whatever reason, GW Bush would become president of the United States.
I am horrified that I was incredibly ACCURATE in my predictions. We have lived war, and continue to do so. We have experienced September 11th, 2001, and the Bush Administration has practically trademarked the phrase "9-11" as their own cry for the continued FEAR BASED initiatives that have allowed this administration to steal from the PEOPLE of the United States, all the while providing the richest Americans with more and more opportunities to advance the causes of the very very wealthy.
TAXES ARE NOT THE ENEMY: We pay taxes to provide services for people who cannot provide for themselves. THEY ARE NOT LAZY, USELESS PEOPLE...... they ARE People, and they ARE the reason we were GIVEN this planet, and allowed to hold dominion over all life.
I have come, sadly, to realize, that too many people have been using "RELIGION" As a means to promote hatred, fear, intolerance and war. THIS IS NOT WHAT JESUS WOULD DO. Nor, Mohammed, Nor Buddha.
PEOPLE I call to you to listen to more than your nightly news. MORE than the cable news channels. MORE than your local newspaper, all of which are owned by the largest corporate interests that have MUCH to gain by promoting a hate-based administration, and have nothing to support giving you THE TRUTH.
I live in The State Of Florida, where Jeb Bush, as governor, has done everything to prevent the Constitution from being upheld. Just today (January 21, 2004) he announced his "Budget" that further cuts services to the people in need (CHILDREN and disabled individuals, (like me) and senior citizens who are not, by definition, "Wealthy"), while giving huge additional tax breaks to the top 1% of the residents. 90,000 CHILDREN do without Any Health Care. People who are unable to pay for medication and doctors visits (and this INCLUDES ME) are to do without and die quietly without complaining, since it is obviously our fault that we didn't plan ahead and save enough money (or marry well) to pay for health insurance. Actually I DID have health insurance that I paid for myself, but had to give it up when I became DISABLED. My bad.
Be GRATEFUL that we have the internet available to us all: THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, Available to be read, researched, confirmed or denied. READ it, research it, don't take what you hear at face value, not even if I said it <G> Regardless of what your "politics" are, if you are at this web site.... for whatever reason, you think beyond the stars........ and I ask you to let your mind, body, soul, spirit AND ego.......... face the world we have created, and what we can create if we TAKE BACK OUR VOICES.
God Bless The Tolerant
And Celebrate those who ACCEPT.
God Bless The Loving
And Celebrate those who Acknowledge
the depth of that emotion.
God Bless The Ones Who Feel Betrayed
And yet, do not give up
do not forget
do not give in
To those who would oppress
deny, or challenge
to be treated humanely
with dignity
and respect.
"Fishmongers sell fish; warmongers sell war" -- Sir Rodric Braithwaite
How Can You Vote for a person who thinks like that???
(note: there is an excellent book on the Skull & Bones secret society
That includes in it's membership current president, AND presidential
candidate John Kerry. Look for: "Fleshing Out Skull & Bones" Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society
And for many many more links:
SOME HUMOR fits here... even if it IS... biting humor <G>
OK, that'll give you all something to start with.... and if you want more ah... controversial sites, email me, and I'll share. Yes, there is a LOT out there, as you can see from the sites I've posted here. Simply try doing some googling on your own and see what all you can find.
An example of this successful googling: I wanted information regarding the Reichstag Fire of 1933. I typed in Reichstag Fire, and was shocked to see that it immediately brought up multiple parellels. (Even though I didn't request parellels).
Yes, these are controversial thoughts and ideas I'm posting. But I'm posting from THE HEART. And anytime one does that, one finds that there are going to be people who agree, and people who disagree. It's allowed..... it's also educational, to find out who is capable of seeing beyond the mist......... and let me tell you, there is a LOT of "MIST" out there.
God Bless US. Throroughly and always. And teach our world tolerance is only the first step........ ACCEPTANCE IS LIVING THE TRUTH.
I'm sharing with you, from Spirit and my heart... that we are at THE crossroads, the defining moment in our existance. MAKE CHOICES that celebrate the gift of LIFE, to create the flow with the Universal Consciousness that takes us all closer to that which we may call "GOD".