Gul Evek

Gul Evek

What do Gul Evek and Q have in common? They are characters that have been in all three Star Trek series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager!

By the seventh season of The Next Generation, Cardassians were well established with a backstory of conflict with the Federation. In the episode "Journeys End" Captain Picard of the Enterprise had a run in with Gul Evek over a planet ceded to the Cardassians in the peace treaty. The problem, if Picard didn't get the residents off of it then Gul Evek was authorized to prepare the planet for Cardassian colonization by any means necessary. Lucky for Picard, Evek's strong Cardassian family values won out in the end. Evek did not want to risk losing his only surviving son to another war with the Federation. He had already lost two in the last one. But this isn't the end of the story!

In the second season of Deep Space Nine, in the episode "The Maquis Pt.1" things continue to heat up among these disputed worlds. Now Gul Evek has a run in with his Federation counterpart, Cal Hudson. Only this time Evek is all Cardassian and has a prisoner tourtored to death to gain the needed information about a terrorist group known as the Maquis. And the story's still not over!

In an attempt to wipe out the Maquis once and for all, Gul Evek, in command of a Galor Class Warship, chases a small Maquis Raider into an unstable area of space known as the Badlands. Unfortunately this is an area best suited to small ships and Evek's Galor is forced to retreat but not until something strange is reported. This brings the USS Voyager in to investigate and it suffers the same fate as the Maquis Raider commanded by Chakotay, and ends up being tossed into the Delta Quadrant by the "Caretaker". Now that's continuity for you!

Gul Evek also showed up a couple of other times in DS9. He apeared very breifly as a "vole consultant" in the episode "Playing God". And he was also responsible for apprehending O'Brien and later testifying against him in the episode "Tribunal". In that episode, Evek was in command of a Hedeki Class patrol ship in stead of his usual Galor.

Gul Evek was played by Richard Poe.

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