Gul Maket's Guide to Cardassia

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Lifestyles of the Ridged and Famous

Here is where you will learn all about your favorite Cardassian character. Cardassians have appeared in three of the four Star Trek series and have been mentioned in the recent movie "Star Trek Inserection". And did you spot the Cardassian in the movie "Star Trek First Contact"? You had to watch very carefully but one of the Borg drones was an assimulated Cardassian! Don't worry if you missed it because you'll find a picture of him here. After all, this is THE place for Cardassians!

The Big Three

These are the leading men of Cardassia and Deep Space Nine. Dukat has been around since the begining. Garak showed up in the third episode. And Damar has only been with us since the middle of the fourth season. But all will be there for the end of this great series.

Girl Power

Not to be out done by their male counterparts, these fiesty females span all three series.

Gul Evek

Gul Evek is in a class of his own. This Cardassian commander has appeared in all three Star Trek series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager!


Where do I start!? There are so many more Cardassians than just the ones listed above. So here is just a small sampling of a few of the great Cardassians we've met along the way.

The Next Generation Deep Space Nine

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All things Star Trek, including Cardassians, belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLY and I do not receive any income from anything contained here. All original material including graphics and text belong to me.

© 1999 Gul Maket