Tyler’s Page



G’day There, My name is  Tyler and I am 7 years old.
I live with my mum, dad & sister.

I am so  lucky to have a family that loves me so much, except for my sister she drives me mad. I always have to clean up after Bianca but I suppose big sisters are like that. Mum gets so upset with her at times but we know mum & dad love her very much and they love me to.

Would you like to hear what I like to do when  I’m not cleaning up after my sister?

Well I love to watch Power Rangers Pokemon and lots of other good kid cartoons and shows.
I love to play my  Gameboy and I like rideing my bike and did you know I can ride a two wheeler now  thanks to my Nan and gar they tort Bianca and me to ride last summer.
I have just joined the Scouts and it is loads of fun I’m a Joey at the moment and next year I’m not to shore but I think I go up to Cubs. It’s so Cool and we do loads  of stuff.

I better get going and do some more boy things as mum always says.





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