

Hi my name is  Bianca-Estelle. I am 9 years old and I live with my mum, dad, and  brother....

My hobbies are Piano, Netball, Swimming and at the moment I like Candle Wicking.
I have just finished Candle Wicking my first pillow and I have found it to be loads of fun.. Maybe you should try it and see how you go!

I am in grade 3 at school and I must admit I don’t like school at all, but mum and dad tell me I have to go so that I get a good education and one day  I will hopefully get a good job when I am older

As mum has most likely told  you we live in Australia.
I hope you have a look at all of this page as my mum has worked really hard on it don’t tell her I told you that because mum will get all mushy and I’m not into mushy mums or anything mushy.

Well I hope you come back and see us some time, bye for  now.




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