Brooke: You need to keep her away from me because I have officially snaped. The next time I fight back, it won't be with cupcakes.
Sam: Oh what are you going to do Brooke, kick my ass with hair products?
Roberta Glass So let's hit the books my biolings, because next to making macaroni art, my favorite hobby is holding students back a grade.

Harrison: I sorta think of golf as my new form of meditation: ball's your problem, club's your solution, swing's your clarity. Aim to where you want you problem to land.

Sugar: Yo why don't you come with us? You know if you cady for us you can play for free.
Harrison: Cady for you?
Sugar: Yhea.
Harrison: Be your little slave. Sorry I think I'd rather get my own focus. Word? Yo.
Sugar: What ever scrub, I'm just trying to show you what it's like to live the good life.

Harrison: Can you believe those guys? Man, I am so sick of those jocks swagling all over the place leaving behind a trail of priviledged slime.
Sam: I know how you feel.

Nicole: Oh Hey Spam!
Sam Hey Satan! I'm so glad i caught you before you did the weeks laundry. Ms Glass may think you're a paragon of virtue but you should probably know you dad isn't. He left his shorts.

Brooke: Now honesty is a goos thing Sam, expand your paronide world, look into it.
Sam: I'd rather be paranoide than mieve, not to mention guillible.

Mary:Y'all I do so admire our Miss Brooke. Even though I'm a little hurt she won't study with us because she said we talk like crows on a telephone pole.

Nicole: There's a Charlie's angle marathon on cable tonight, I have got to get to Farah so lets make it quick girls.

Nicole: Ok. Hi. That's not going to be on the test. (Referring to a question Mary asked Poppy about a fashion designer)
Mary: Well it should be.

Harrison: Well that's it, I'm dead.
Lily: Ok, baring an act of Gof, I'm going to fail Bio. I fell asleep after work last night and I got exactly nothing done.

Nicole:She has no physical proof on us. She only overheard us. It's her word against mine.
Carmen: You think you're in trouble, I studied the wrong chapters.

Carmen: Sure if you don't mind being a rat. (Talking about Sam turning in the cheerleaders who cheated)
Lily: Hey watch your terms, you're reinforcing a sterotype for an entire species.

Carmen: Wow check it out, your mom's sleeping with the enemy and apparently he's dining with them.

Sam: Hey can I talk to you?
Harrison: Not right now Sam, I'm kind of busy. (Sam leaves mad)
Josh: That a boy Harrison.

Mr Grant:Take it slow and keep your antennae up.

Ms Glass:Well done ladies. You've all got A's. I'm pleased to see we have a smart squad this year.

Lily:No Sammy you go after them, I gotta go to work. Mr. Cluck's maybe all I got.

Ms. Glass:I'm no doctor but the pressure the average teen faces today well it's as good as reason as ever to feel like crap. You've got grades, college worries, family difficulties, identity crisises, horomonal changes. And the fact that you can still brillantly acessorize, well color me pink.

Sam:You can wash them as much as you want, but we both know they will never be clean.
Brooke: I appricate your lady McBeth tribute. Don't you ever get tired of hating me?
Sam: Sometimes, but then I remind myself that you're a liar and that you and your fatherhave ruined my life and that pretty much gets me right back on track.
Brooke: Sam please don't run this article.
Sam: Fine. i'll do that when you finally step up and admit you're a hipocrite and that you cheated in the midterm.
Brooke: Ok... I cheated and I'm a hipocrit. I'm not myself anymore. I haven't been since our parents got together and this week it was the worst. I saw your mom and my dad in my kitchen and they had just had sex.
Sam: Ah, I saw them doing it at my house too.
Brooke: Did you feel betrayed?
Sam: Yhea. Yhea.
Brooke: I tried to study that night and I couldn't, and then the next moring I just felt all this pressure. And I cracked, and I broke into Nicole's locker and i looked at the master copy of the bio test. Nobody knows this but you.
Sam: Why are you telling me these things? You hate my guts.
Brooke: I guess in a strange way you're the only person who really understands what I'm going through right now.
Sam: Yhea. It's not so easy when you start losing respect for your parents.
Brooke: Especially when they're the only one's you've got.
Sam: I'm not going to run that article Brooke.
Brooke: You know, maybe you should. Sam I cheated and I deserve what I get.
Sam: No. I don't think either of us deserves what we're going through, you know.
Brooke: I guess. Hey Sam, I was wrong about you. I'm really sorry.

Harrison: I can't talk to you right now Sam, in fact I don't know if I ever want to talk to you again.

Sam: Brooke I am so sorry, I tried to stop it. (The article from going to print)
Brooke: Congratulations sam, you said I wa nieve and gullible to trust and you proved me right.

Nicole: I admit it I cheated, so book me.
Ms Glass: Anybody else?
mary: No that about covers it.

Harrison: man I am so sick of you and your agenda. All you do is plot to bring down brooke McQueen. You're possesed. if things are so damn bad at home, run away at least give us a break.
Emory: Damn, that is so cold man.
Sam: You know Harrison, you lied. You told me you didn't have anything on tape but you did. So why don't you climb down off of your...
Harrison: You know your so upset at me because I dared to hang out with someone not from this group, not pre-aproved by you, and it makes you feel insurcure becuase it makes you wonder if you don't fit in.
Sam: Listen social climber, if you'd invest half as much time to loyalty as you do brown nosing to people you don't know, let alone like... we wouldn't be having this argument.
Lily: You guys, come on I can't takle this anymore. My nerves are fried, be civil. (She throws a roll at Harrison, who throws it at Sam, when she throws it back she accadently hits Brooke who was walking between the rows)

Brooke: Let me guess, you're sorry. You didn't mean it. I confided in you, that was a big mistake, hun Sam. You are such a happy sneaky liar and I am through with you hurting me and the people I care about. (Brooke throws food at Sam)

Sam: Try it, it's low cal. (Sam throws a plate of food in Brooke's face)

Brooke: Sam, side with me here, that is never going to happen. Tell them.
Sam: Brooke's right, we have a firm commitment to disliking one another.

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