Driving to the Sea   In the Small Hours                                                        Contents


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The Broken Web

He likened his life to the broken web.
The web he had watched be made.
With one cruel gesture the threads were ripped
In that so-called peaceful glade.
He never had thought in those terms before,
But all seemed so simple and clear.
The struggle and effort don’t waste any more,
Do away with the angst and the fear.
He lay back on dead leaves and gazed entranced
At the natural movements around,
The birds and the insects their lives so enhanced
By the sunlight just reaching the ground.
The cruelness within him just ebbed away,
Along with his tears of despair.
A breeze kissed his cheek, he wanted to stay,
Why not, there’s no one to care.
He slowly relaxed both body and mind
The scented air made him sleep.
His dreams were for once of a happier kind,
As spider started to creep.
The web was respun in its usual place
And trapped quite a number of flies.
On waking he felt it across his face,
As his head started to rise.
‘You don’t give up do you?’ he laughed aloud.
To brush himself off was no strife,
‘So neither will I – I’ll see off each cloud.’
He said as he tossed down the knife.