

Helen J. Warner

Driving to the Sea

Broken Web

Folding Stuff

Small Hours

We jumped up and down on our seats
My sister and me
We giggled and waved at the passing cars
When driving to the sea
Dad said “Calm down” and we laughed
My sister and me
Mum said “Will you be good girls”
When driving to the sea.
We pulled our sandwiches out of their bags
My sister and me
“Don’t eat them all just yet” said Mum
When driving to the sea.
We loved to see the scenery change
 My sister and me
Green fields soon replaced houses
When driving to the sea.
The kind of weather never bothered
My sister and me
But Mum kept praying for the sun
When driving to the sea.
We talked of pocket money and sticks of rock
My sister and me
Should we buy a bucket or ball
When driving to the sea.
The call of seagulls thrilled the ears of
My sister and me
Through open windows we smelt the air
When driving to the sea.
“We’re here, we’re here” we used to shriek
My sister and me
On finally seeing that distant blue line
When driving to the sea.
Mum and Dad then seemed relieved to
My sister and me
On the journey they rarely smiled
When driving to the sea.