Numerology is another way to make your name even more special to you.there are two simple steps to choosing your name
using numerology;
1.Find your birth number by adding the digits of your birth eg. 8.6.1989
bring that down to a single digit 4+1=5
your birth number is 5.
2.then pick a name that has the same number as your birth(use the grid at the bottom to find the number
that goes with each letter) and there you go!
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
a b c d
e f g
j k l m
n o p
s t u v
w x y
8 9
h i
q r
Eg DIANA, D=4,I=9,A=1,N=5,A=1.
Add the numbers together to get 20 add the digits together to get 2+0=2.
If you really like the name you've picked and you want it to match your birth number then add another letter
to the name you've picked(sometimes you'll like the name you make up better than the one you picked in the first place).
And thats all there is to it!its not so difficult when you no how!
Hope your search goes well!