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Choosing your wiccan name

As hard as some people make out its not that difficult to pick your wiccan name!

Choosing your wiccan name is one of the easiest things in wicca.
Your name can correspond with your birth number(ill explain later)
or it can be of personal prefrence to you!For example mines Alis Willow Wolf. First, Alis means flowing like water, which a few of my wiccan friends think describes my personality.At times turbulent(when im in a stress)at others calm and relaxed. Willow, is special to me as when i lived in Yorkshire i had a weeping willow tree in my back yard and that was my favorite place and i have alot of fond memorys of my childhood there.And lastly Wolf which is my favorite animal,and when i think of a wolf i think of mystery and of the night(and many of my friends will tell you im not a morning person!)
You can also put your wiccan name in an ancient runic alpha bet to put in your book of shadows for decoration.
You can find some alphabets at Ayreansmagickalrunes.com
When hired to build the first Christian churches Pagan and Wiccan architects and sculptures incorparated what are now called "Gargoils" which were actually Wiccan gods and goddessesso when they were forced into the new religion they could still worship there own gods while in church.That is one of the many secrets in the long history of wicca.

If your just starting out choosing your wiccan name is a good place to start.One thing I must state is that if you like your given name(the tiny few of you)then keep it theres nothing wrong with using it its your choice!
Numerology is another way to make your name even more special to you.there are two simple steps to choosing your name using numerology;
1.Find your birth number by adding the digits of your birth eg. 8.6.1989 
bring that down to a single digit 4+1=5
your birth number is 5.
2.then pick a name that has the same number as your birth(use the grid at the bottom to find the number that goes with each letter) and there you go!
       1    2    3    4    5     6    7       
       a    b    c    d    e     f     g           
       j     k    l    m    n    o     p       
       s    t     u    v    w    x    y  
      8    9
      h    i
      q    r
Eg DIANA, D=4,I=9,A=1,N=5,A=1.
Add the numbers together to get 20 add the digits together to get 2+0=2.
If you really like the name you've picked and you want it to match your birth number then add another letter to the name you've picked(sometimes you'll like the name you make up better than the one you picked in the first place).
And thats all there is to it!its not so difficult when you no how!
Hope your search goes well!

s-lg-diana.jpg (13832 bytes)The wiccan godess Brighid is said to be the keeper of love, and of beauty of the soul and of the body.