Angels have NO bounds upon religions
Angels are SPIRITUAL entities for the human race!
Scales graphic made for me by ~Moonlady*~
And GOD said.."Let there be lights in the firmament of the Heaven
to divide the day from the night..and let them be for signs...
and for seasons...and for days and years..
Always Remember:
If you can not find God within YOU.
Then you will not find God in any place outside of YOU.
Jesus himself said: The Kingdom of God is within YOU.
~~~~Always walk in harmony, beauty, peace and love.
Sun sign horoscopes that are found in the newspapers are only that ~~~SUN SIGNS~~~
You share YOUR Sun sign with billions of other people on Earth.
YOUR horoscope is based on your time~ place ~and~ date of birth.
ONLY YOU~~~~~~~~NO one else can have your horoscope.
It would take 25,000 years for the planets to align the exact
same way as they were at the moment of your birth~~~!!!!
Your horoscope is derived from the drawing up of a chart~{{map of the heavens}}~
at the PRECISE moment of your birth~!!!
This map is what makes YOU who YOU are~!!!
And as I said~~~NO ONE ELSE can duplicate that map for another 25,000 years~~
So you are indeed TOTALLY UNIQUE~!!!!!!!Each and every one of you~!!!!!
Your Sun sign is the MOST powerful planet in your chart~~
You ARE your sun sign~!!!~~~~(Your Personality)
The Sun and the Moon {{luminaries} are considered planets in astrology,
followed by your moon sign~~~~(the planet of emotions)
and then your rising sign~~(the sign that others see you as)
THIS rising sign (ascendant) is based on the time of birth,
and it is from this time that the rising sign is calculated and
the first house sign begins and the rest of the houses follow suit.
THAT is why your time of birth is so very important~~~!!~~~