

The picture above shows where the chakra centers are in the body. Meditating on the seven Chakra centers is another tool used to self healing. It is my intention to give you a piece...a small piece ...of what I have learned through my Chakra meditation tape by Barrie Konicov. By doing this and leaving you links to follow with MORE information on the Chakras ..I hope that this is of some help to you..!!

The purpose of Chakra Meditation is to assist you into opening the seven sacred Chakra of consciousness that are located within your body...your mind...and your spirit. Because as you open these seven sacred centers...all areas of your life will move into divine harmony and balance and you will begin to flow with the cosmic energy that is all around you. It will also improve your ESP and you will become more aware of cosmic events.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And we begin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Seat your self in a comfortable chair with your back straight ... your feet firmly on the floor .. and your hands open and palms up...

Now close your eyes...Take a LONG......SLOW......DEEP...... breathe in through your nose and your mouth and SLOWLY exhale all of the air from your body in a ..LONG .....SLOW......SIGH and let go..........AGAIN..(do the same three times)

As you are breathing...KNOW that wherever you are ...there is an incredible feeling of peace and tranquility with you...a feeling of joy...and a feeling of love....(find your santuary)...perhaps a beach..a grassy field..a mountain top...a desert...a cloud...a gazebo filled with the fragrance of flowers...whatever is YOUR place of peace....this is your santuary to invision.

But wherever you are there is a beautiful brilliant Sun above you ...and the feeling is one of peace and relaxation....The sky is an incredible blue...and ocassionally...some clouds float by. What really attracts your attention is the sun..your I AM presence...Brilliant and focused right above you. Because it is as if you can look out throught the top of your head and look upon the sun...and the energy and the joy and the love and the light from this presence is shinning down around you and forming a protective egg of white light....and you are at peace.......

........AND YOU ARE {{{ RELAXED }}}.........

Every part of your body is relaxed...and the feeling of TOTAL relaxation continues as you breathe in and out....Your are relaxed and at peace with yourself.....

You are now to close off the energy in your body by forming an O with the thumb and the forefinger of each hand....and then crossing your legs at the ankles...This will stop the energy from leaving your body.....


Bring the light from the sun down into your body until it automatically forms a bubble of energy around your root (or base) chakra...The light moves to harmonize and balance... and the bubble is formed ...and the color is RED... and the sound is DO (doe).........The energies are vibrating... and the energies are harmonizing ...and the sacred lotus blossom is opening spreading upwards and releasing the energies of LOVE... INSPIRATION......ESTACY...!!!!..All of these qualities are being released and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now open the 1st Sacred Chakra of my consciousness...I am inspired to love all people ..and I love everyone unconditionally..including myself..!!..I are a child of the Universe...I am ONE with the Universal life flow...and the energy moves..and it is harmonized and it is balanced...!!!

...You have now opened the 1st Chakra....the Root Chakra..!!!....or Base Chakra

..........And NOW the focus of the light moves up...and a bubble is formed around the Spleen Chakra..or in this chart the (sacral)...and the light moves to harmonize and balance the energies there....and the color is ORANGE...and the sound is RA (ray)...The energies are vibrating ...and the energies are ..harmonizing and the sacred lotus blossom is opening and spreading upward and releasing the energies of LIFE..VITALITY..GROWTH..YOUTH..CREATIVITY....All of these qualities are being released and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now open the 2nd Sacred Chakra of my consciousness....I am in tune with the universal life flow....I dedicate my life love ..and my the benefit of the whole world...I am a child of the Universe ...and I am ONE with the Universal life flow...And the energy is harmonized and the energy is balanced..!!!!

...You have now opened the 2nd Chakra..The Spleen Chakra..or Sacral Chakra

...........And NOW the focus of the light moves..and the bubble of energy of light is formed around the Solar Plexus Chakra...And the light moves to harmonize and balance that Chakra ...and the color is YELLOW ...and the sound is ME....The energies are vibrating ...and the energies are harmonizing ...and the sacred lotus blossom is opening and spreading upward and releasing the energies of FAITH...JOY...HOPE...ALL of these qualities are being released and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now open the 3rd Sacred Chakra of my consciousness...I am in tune with the Universal life flow ..I am filled with ..and hope ..and the words are spoken by cup runneth over....I am a child of the Universe...and I am ONE with the Universal life flow....and the energy is harmonized ...and the energy is balanced..!!!!

...You have now opened the 3rd Chakra..The Solar Plexus Chakra

...........And NOW the focus of the light moves up... and a bubble is formed around the Heart Chakra...and the light moves to harmonize and balance the energies there ...and the color is GREEN...and the sound is FA...The energies are vibrating... and the energies are harmonizing... and the sacred lotus blossom is opening and spreading upward and releasing the energies of LOVE...LOYALTY...SINCERITY...FORGIVENESS...CHARITY...ALL or these qualities are being released and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now open the 4th Sacred Chakra of my consciousness...I now direct the Universal life flow into my heart...I am perceiving life and love into my heart center..I breathe this life force and I radiate it to everyone I meet....I am in tune with the universal life flow...I am peaceful...I am a child of the Universe...I am ONE with the Universal life flow...and the energy is harmonized and the energy is balanced...!!!

....You have now opened the 4th Chakra...The Heart Chakra

.....And now the focus of light moves up ...and a bubble is formed around the Throat Chakra...and the light moves to harmonize and balance the energies there... and the color is BLUE... and the sound is SO....The energies are vibrating ...and the energies are harmonizing... and the sacred lotus blossom is opeing and spreading upward and releasing the energies of POWER..DIGNITY...PRIDE...HONESTY .... ALL of these qualities are being released and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now GENTLY open the 5th Sacred Chakra of my consciousness...which is the gateway to mental and physical power...I project this power to my brain...releasing the golden light of wisdom...I use my words well and seek ONLY to harmonize thoughts...I breathe this life force and I radiate it to everyone I meet...I am a child of the Universe..and I am ONE with the Universal life flow...and the energy is harmonized and the energy is balanced...!!!

....You have now opened the 5th Chakra..The Throat Chakra

......And the focus of the light moves up ...and a bubble is formed around the Brow Chakra...and the light moves to harmonize and balance the energies there... and the color is INDIGO...and the sound is LA..The energies are vibrating ...and the energies are harmonizing ...and the sacred lotus blossom is opening and spreading upward and releasing the energies of ..BEAUTY...FRIENDLINESS...GENEROSITY...HAPPINESS...RADIANCE...As the light vibrates Third Eye is opening..The eye of my psychic and spiritual vision ...and the divine perfect light fills my being...I am now able to see with the inner radiance of my inner eye...!!!...My Spiritual Eye...!!!... and I am becoming aware of my true spiritual nature ..and the true spiritual nature of all reality...I meditate...I focus on beauty..Life becomes beautiful...I am a child of the Universe ..and I am ONE with the Universal life flow...and the energy is harmonized and the energy is balanced...!!!

...You have now opened the 6th Chakra...The Brow Chakra

......And the bubble of light is moving ...and a bubble is forming around the Crown Chakra...and the color is VIOLET...and the sound is TE...The energies are vibrating...and the energies are harmonizing..and the sacred lotus blossom is opening and spreading upward and releasing the energies of ASPIRATION..INSPIRATION...COSMIC AWARENESS...SOUL EVOLUTION...and all of these qualities are being released ...and harmonized by the words now spoken by YOU...I now open the 7th Sacred Chakra ...activating the power of my mind..and my I breathe deeply..I am recieving...I am receiving.......The light is illuminating my mind ...and my imagination ..and my memory...and my psychic centers..I am in tune with the Universal life flow ...I am a child of the Universe ...and I am ONE with the Universal life flow ...and the energy is harmonized... and the energy is balanced..!!!

....You have now opened the 7th Sacred Chakra ...The Crown Chakra

.......Now all of my energies are in harmony and in balance.... I am in a higher vibration...a healthy state of ONE with peace ...and love ...and joy ...and happiness....

And the light is moving from the Root Chakra...and all the Chakras are turned upwards ...and receiving ...and the energy is moving out of the top of my head... and then falling back down gently around my aura...I am open..and loving...and supportive...I now find it possible to maintain this incredible high rate of vibration as I go through my daily activiy...and soon I will be able to maintain this high state of vibration for days and days.........



{{{peace and love}}}

Barrie Konovic

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Cajun Sha Bebe Mary Lynn...aka BeB

~~TOTAL Eclipse of the SUN on August 11, 1999~~

In Memory of Gwen