History of the parish of New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland

© Robert Guthrie


Surnames on Tombstones

The following pages provide an index of the surnames found on the headstones in the Auld Kirkyard, New Cumnock, along with a reference number for each headstone. The reference numbers are shown in the Kiryard Plan. The index and plan are reproduced here with the kind permission of the Baird Institute, Cumnock, Ayrshire. The Baird has an excellent research facilities, including copies of some of the monumental inscriptions . Well worth a visit before or after a trip to the Auld Kirkyard. 

Of course it is possible that some errors may have occurred during the extraordinary effort of local family history enthusiasts in recording all this information. Similalry, I may have made some errors when transcribing the index here for these web-pages !

Since the records were taken Mother Nature has taken her toll on the tombstones and many have been damaged or are almost impossible to decipher. Sadly, even more damage has been callously carried out by that low-life , the kirkyard vandal with little respect for the living and even less for the dead. Hopefully, however you will find a name that appears in your own family tree, a tree that has a branch in the parish of New Cumnock.

Plans of Lairs in New Cumnock Auld Kirkyard
Click on images to enlarge

Click on links to the left for Surnames and Lair numbers.