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White magic
In order to cast spells safely you should cast a protection spell before and after each session.also a good idea to to make a pillar of faith.Here is a small collection of good protection spells.REMEMBER!
This is no game!!
Good Health spell
Fold these in a Velvet cloth :
-Leaves of herbal tea
-Flowers of Lavender
-clove and camphor

Now tie it up wit a scarlet thread and rest it besides your bed .Breath it in every night and morning when you get up,Really take the time to clear your mind on concentrate on the soft smell and picture all the nice things you want and soon all will be better
Elemental Blessing
Cast this while pointing your wand to the sky...
All three,
Elements of astral i summon thee,
Earht by Divinty,Divinty by Earth,
Give the enemy the power to see,
The strengh of the elements by my side,
No rules magic i shall abide,
Now when my enemy meets his downfall
This spell will have no power left at all,
In no way shall this spell reverse or place upon me any curse,

Dragons Valor
By the dragons light,
on this (month)night,
I call the thee,
To give me your might,
By the power of three,
I conjure thee,
To protect all that,
Surrounds me,
So mote it be,
So mote it be!!!

Really effective , talisman, amulet, gri-gri or a simple medal must be consecrated.  For that it is necessary to consecrate them while the fact to pass in the smoke of acclaims during some minutes, while thinking strongly to the objective that you  want to attain through them and while telling the following traditional formula: "God very merciful, very talll and very powerful, I love  your Supreme Majesty.  Done the grace to your servant to receive the  Psaumes virtue.  I conspir you by your very holy names: Agla, Aglai, Adonai,
Bank charge, Othès, Alpha and Oméga to grant me the entire accomplishment of my request.  O God, strong and abundant in all graces, that your holy name is rented and glorified in eternity.  Thus be it." 

Ritual of love Incidental ones:

- has red candle

- a sprinkled plate of salt -

a récipend containing water

- rose acclaims

Ritual :

Light the acclaims and imagine the face to the lover being . Place the plate with the salt in front of you. Preserve his picture in your spirit and place the candle in the plate. Light the candle while repeating 3 time

the following incantation:


"Come to me his thoughts

I implore for his favors

Done that I 'll have his heart

And that I become his stretch half For the eternity."

Drink the water and redo this ritual during 7 consecutive days

Purification & Strength Spells

A Cleansing Chant

A reader said she uses thiis chant because she finds it "hard not to rave and rant." Perhaps this is something we could all use! 

Uphold the rules of the Wiccan Rede.
Be high in spirit ye shall succeed.
Power of the Elements Five,
Will help Mother Nature stay alive.
From grains of Earth to the moving Air.
Past the burning Fire that magick flares.
Flow with Water, lakes, and streams;
Around the Spirit's aura and dreams.

Strength Spell

This is a small spell I use quite often. mostly when I'm stressing out because I can't open that pickle jar, the box is a little too heavy, or when the  screwdriver just wont turn. (author)

First, quickly clear your mind. Then repeat the following verse three times:

Strength of day
Strength of night
Give me strength
Beyond my sight.

Now try that little chore agian it should be a lot easier than before!


Black magic
Demon's Bane
Cast a circle around all casters,one or more can be used for this.(The more the better)

Hear me knights of the past,
Knights of the ancient law,
Hear me Knights of an english tongue,
Hear me knights,lost in battle,who's blade did good,
Hear me knights of  old,
Hear me knights of lost souls,
This night i invoke thee,
I summon thee to my arms aid,
Hear me knights,
A new cause be given,
Your body gone now spirit be,
Hear me Dead Knights i invoke thee,
By your spirit blade i invoke you,
By your might i invoke you,
By your spirit i invoke you,
Come now,follow a new cause,I summon thee,
Each of thee i enlist,
I invoke you dead knights lost,
Hear me and come to my aid,
Hear me and fight at my side,
Protect me from spirits harm,
Fight my battles i say to thee,
Hear me spirits of lost knights,
Come to my aid,
Come to my side,
Protect me from sprits harm,
Protect me from spirits lights,
I invoke you,I invoke thee,By the three,
Let my army be done,
So mote it be!!!


French formula :

Take vengeance of someone who harmed you.



This spell is very not complicate. Concentrate yourself on the anger that you have for this person and think of the punishment that you want to makes to him . Next, point your index in his/her direction and direct all your anger towards him/her  while murmuring this incantation:


"Asmodé toi qui régit la colère

Donne moi la force de diriger la mienne

Ver la personne que je pointerai bientôt du doigt

Qu'il en soit ainsi"



A Faerie Call

Faerie children come and play
brightest blessings to the Fae
come and worship
bless this rite
Celebrate with us tonight

Invocation of the Elements

Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!

From cave and desert,sea and hill,
By wand, blade,and pentacle,
I call you now, attend to me!
This Is my will, so mote it be!

Invocation to the Elements #2

Come to me Air, so cool and clear
My words come with ease and also no fear
Give me sharp mental focus, creativity too
So that positive ends spring from all that I do.

Come to me Fire, brilliant and bright
Give me strength and forthrightness all through my life.
Warm me with truth and power to set right
Whatever is wrong through love and its light.

Come to me Water, silky and free
Compassion and empathy now give to me
For soothing life's troubles, both mine and my friends'
Understanding and peace from your rivers you send.

Come to me Earth, plants, animals and gold
Allow me to grow with the grace of a doe.
Serene and content, with reverence for all
Give me purpose, stability, and the will to stand tall.

If you have question you can write to me on: