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"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." 1 Corinthians 2:15

Eddie's Page

Hi, Welcome to my page. I am the head of this household, which includes being the spiritual leader. This is a position ordained by God, and, as a Minister of God's Word, I take it seriously. My family is a Christian family. Maybe you have met some people who claim to be Christian, yet the way they talk, act, and live their lives gives no indication of them being any different from the rest of the heathen world. That is because everyone who says they are Christian is not a Christian. A tree is known by the fruit it bears!

Our family is comprised of one husband, one wife, and two children. My wife stays at home and home educates our children, while I work and support us with my wages. You might ask yourself, "Why does his wife stay home? Why doesn't she work?" The answer is simple. She is a godly woman, who doesn't need to work. The Lord has allowed me to provide for all her needs. There is no need for her to go out and get a job, leaving her children for someone else to raise, and giving someone else authority over her. My wife submits to my authority, as directed by God's Word. Why should she give that authority to someone else?

Would you buy a new car and then give it to someone else to drive? Probably not. Would you buy a house and then give it to someone else to live in? Again, probably not. Yet, in today's society, most people would have no problem having a new baby and then placing it in day care immediately for someone else to train. Why would anyone do that? Do you love money and material possessions so much that you are willing to sacrifice your children for them? Do you know what it means to train your children by Godly standards?

A lot of people do not understand why we have chosen to teach our children at home. They feel we are ruining their future. How much do you know about homeschooling? Did you realize there are hundreds of colleges that accept homeschooled children? There are. Of course, you might have to settle for a college like Harvard, Yale, or Penn State.

I recently discovered some interesting news about today's colleges. I was reading some articles in the American Family Association Journal and was dismayed to learn that some colleges have decided that the SAT and ACT are "stumbling block" tests for minority and disadvantaged students. I don't know about you, but I say hogwash. Anyway, Colorado College, along with a few well-known state universities (Delaware, Michigan, Penn State, and Rutgers, to name a few) have decided these poor disadvantaged minority students should be allowed to take a test using Lego blocks. I am not making this up. It is in the May 2000 issue of AFA Journal, you can read it for yourself. What is this world coming to? Does anyone really believe that being a "minority" makes a person less intelligent? I think the idea is not only ridiculous, but also racist and sexist.

Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Have you ever accepted Him as your personal Savior? Are you depending on your own good works to get you to Heaven? There is ONLY ONE WAY to get to Heaven and that is by accepting Jesus as your Savior. Don't just take my word for it. If you would like to see what the Bible has to say about this, just check out this salvation page.

I have decided that worldly viewpoints have no place in my house. Our society has become corrupt. Standing up for what is morally right is now politically incorrect. Our government might not have values anymore, but I and my family do. I believe it is time to stand up and say that there is a God, there is an absolute truth, there is such a thing as sin, and just because others might say it is okay to do something doesn't make it so. We believe the Bible is our instruction book on life. With these beliefs in mind, I created the Intolerance Web ring. The premise was a simple one. People who wanted to take a stand against sin could make a statement by refusing to tolerate sin.

Perhaps you would be interested in knowing where I got the idea. I was checking out an internet filter one day, to see if it was worth using, and discovered that this particular filter would block sites such as the American Family Association because they are "intolerant." Evidently defending family values isn't acceptable anymore. (For some reason, it is intolerant for a Christian to speak the truth and take a stand against sin, yet totally acceptable for a sexual deviant to speak out against Christian beliefs. Why is this? Doesn't anyone see the hypocrisy of this double standard the world uses when they call Christians intolerant? Am I alone in this?) A little research uncovered the fact that this particular filter was operated by an "Oversight Committee" which determined whether or not a site was inappropriate. This committee was composed of people from all walks of life, most of whom I would not allow in my house. I sent an email to the parent company informing them I would no longer buy any of their products. After pondering over this issue of tolerance and intolerance, I decided to stand up for truth and family values. The Intolerance Web ring was part of the result.

I soon discovered there were many who felt that having a Web ring of intolerance was not a good idea. The hate mail didn't bother me, though I was honestly surprised that no one seemed to understand the intent behind the Web ring. After moving the Web Ring three times due to problems with the hosts, I finally pulled it. Maybe I'll dust it off one day and try again.

Do you think it is wise to support a cause, or an organization that is determined to undermine your beliefs, your values, and everything else you stand for? I don't. I no longer deal with phone companies that support homosexuality and pornography. You might think your phone company doesn't support such causes. If they allow 900 numbers for phone sex, then they support sinful activity that is a direct attack on the family. If you want to find a company that doesn't, try Christian Telephone Network. They will give 15% of their earnings to Christian missions and ministries. We did business with LifeLine at one time, but found their rates to be higher. After they decided to merge with Sprint, I wrote to them asking them to explain their position. I am still waiting on their response. Of course, American Family Radio and American Family Association have not replied to my written questions either. I guess you can't claim to be a "Christian" organization and provide written documentation of your worldly associations.

At one time, I had a sermons page on this site that listed some of the sermons and devotionals I have given in the past. After giving it serious thought, I realized I don't have the time to keep it updated, and people would be better off attending a real Church rather than getting their Spiritual nourishment from the cyber community.

Feel free to check out my thoughts on the topics of music and taxes.

There is a lot more to comment on, but, for now, I will close. Visit this site later for more of my thoughts if you feel so inclined.

Be sure and browse the rest of the Hayes family website. The other members of the family are not as opinionated as I am, so their pages might not be as interesting as mine. :)

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