> Roman Life

Games, Exercise, Baths


Campus Martius = all level ground between Tiber and Capotiline, Quirinal Hills. Played foot racing, jumping, discus throwing, archery, wrestling, boxing. Exercises before baths. 

Ball Games – Throw high, handball type. Trigon Air, hair, feathers 

Games of Chance 
Forbidden by law -> Saturnalia, December Tilae (knucklebones) -> Vulture – Venus (throws) 1, 3, 4, 6 Tessarae (dice) -> 3 thrown at once. 

Cleanliness, health. 
Primitive at first -> full bath once a week, arms and legs washed (exposed by clothing) 
Last century of Republic: 
daily routine -> public baths -> location: many near springs Public 
Baths -> gymnastic apparatus, courts for games, palaestra, read/converse rooms, libraries 
Bathing = recreation for many. 
Balnea/balneum = simple bath house. 
Balneae = more complex establishment 
Thermae = biggest of them all. 
33 BC -> at least 170 in Rome, 800 at least later Agrippa, free baths for limited time. 
Fees for baths -> quadrans (1/4 cents), females charged 2x, children: none. 
Apodyterium, Tepidarium, Caldarium, Frigidarium, Unctorium (oil room), laconicum(sweat bath) 
Strigilis = scraper 
Hypocaust = heating of bath house. -> 3 tanks water (hot, cold, warm), distance vs. heat 
Bathing hours -> eighth hour = 3 or 4 o¡¯clock. 
Women > separate baths or separate rooms in same bath or separate times for bath. 
Stabian Baths – baths at Pompeii. Typical. No laconicum. Separate women¡¯s entrance. 
Private bath house- Cairwent, England. 
Baths of Diocletian -> Symmetrical. Luxurious.

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