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Thursday November 15th, 2001. 2nd last day of HSC mayhem

Joy. Pure Joy. The day we never thought possible had come. It is here. We are here. Everything and everyone is here. At the end of the long road they call the HSC. It's been a tough 13 years of education, let me tell you, but for some reason it's just all worth it. I've learnt things at school that there is a good chance I may never have learnt any where else. I've met people I never may of met anywhere else. I've had opportunties that may never of arisen any where else. I've tasted food that I may not have tasted any where else. I've started trends I may not have. I joined cults I may not have. I've bagged people I may not have. But most importantly, I've tasted food that I may not have. And met people. And it has inspired me to write this poem. It's called "Every day".

Every day

Every day we get up,
And pack our bags for school.
But we won't be doing that

Touching, isn't it? Anyway, as is tradition on this ite I will have to whings about how no one has sent me anything. You know why? Because no one has sent me anything. Except Laura who sent me THIS, but be warned - it's a bit rude.

I'd heaps appreciate someone taking a little time out and writing up "A look at the past 6 years at Baulko High" or any high school, for that matter. The more people that do it the better.

I don't know If I'm going to keep dong the site now that the HSC is over. I'm just really not sure. I might get a poll. Hmmm. If you have any suggestions or anything mail them to donny@bored.com.

Sunday November 11th, 2001. 21st day of HSC mayhem

Hey hey another glorious update coming right up. Sorry about the distinct lack of updates lately but there's been alot going on, what with me turning 18 and all. Yeah that's right everything I do now is legal, officer, 100% acceptable by society and 200% more fun. All I need now is a car, and a license, and any one willing to help me out in that regard feel free. By buying me a car, I mean. Look at these two stude here to the right. If you have any amazing photos like this send them to me right now.

I got this message from Carey -
"mor eof these amaizang"
damn i hate your site

I've todl you before, Carey - like Jeff K, I type at twcie the speed of sound and becauuse I am this amaizing freak of natrue in my typing capabiilties the compuetr is sometimes unable to dael with the speed of my typing and can't process the mass amuonts of infomration which i am sedning it, and therefore makes erors. It is not my falut.

Right so last night we took Rach out and it was much fun. A few good stories. Bram sent me this one:

i walk up to the bar, order 2 beers
the attractive blonde bartender asks for id
i give it to her. she says something about how good it must be to be finished the hsc , and i say somehting along the lines of, yeah but im going to uni, aren't i a great piece of meat. "oh i went to uni ", she says, "but now i work in a bar".

Pffft Thanks Bram. I think the best bit was when Chuck's girlfriend turned up and abused Chuck for a while. And we bet Bec $45 to kiss him while she was doing but she didn't. How boring. We also found that it's extremely hard to get rach drunk. So many drinks, so little effect! Oh well. I got pretty drunk on my 18th the night earlier.

We had a nice family dinner at home, then headed into the Rocks, Sydney city. We went to the Orient and the Observer, and drank much beer. We started drinking Teds, then cascade, then corona, then more cascade, from memory. The crazy thing is how much beer costs in the city! Which is why I took it upon myself to make random strangers shout me beers, rather than my brother and sister pay. I got the idea when my sister bet me a Corona that I wouldn't point out to the next guy that came through the door of the toliet that it was my 18th birthday, and I let him know all about it. So I pointed it out to the next guy that came out of the dunny aswell, and he was much more fun. He bought me some "Wipe On Sex Appeal" as a Birthday present, and then said now that I was 18 it was time for a lesson on contraceptives. He got a franger, and put it on my corona, commentating as he went. I tried to explain that I was a good boy, and didn't usually do that sort of thing with beer bottles, but it all paid off when he introduced us to his mate that didn't have time to give me a life lesson so just shouted me a beer. I then remember some dude asking me how old I thought his wife was. She was obviously about 32. I gave her a good look and said "Hmmmm around 25?" to which she replied "I'm 32!!!". "No shit" I thought but acted really surprised and the guy shouted me another schoona. So I got the nack of scoring free beers and the rest of the night is a blur. Except when we stopped by Maccas, and I told the guy that it was my 18th birthday (showing my license) and demanded my free birthday meal. He offered me a free glass of water, which I really should have taken, but I walked out in disgust. I guess Macca's just doesn't offer generosity you find at the pub.

Gol, my foremost writer for this site, sent me this e-mail.

Hey Donny,
Here's an article I wrote to celebrate finishing the HSC, about what I did to celebrate finishing. And no, the article isn't on writing an article about what I did to celebrate the HSC.
With that statement, it should be obvious that I finished today, with the almighty economics. I have a feeling the board of studies got a bit lazy with this one, since they seemed to forget the last 3 chapters of the textbook created by economics god and sex machine Tim Dixon, and focused their questions on the exact same things we'd done in the trials, assessments and half yearlies. I think I had the globalisation essay down pat after doing at least 5 of them in various assessments so far this year, so that didn't pose a problem, nor did the multiple choice or any other section, since the test was so damn easy. It could have been given as the half yearly. Maybe the board of studies decided to be tricky and only test a fraction of our knowledge, or many BoS representative Mr. Dastyari had a few words about it and made it easier for guys like Pilley whose economics knowledge is slightly 'limited'. Either way, I thought it was pretty easy, my only complaint was that I cut my finger trying to undo the stupid staples put in the thing, and left blood over the question booklet and page one of the answer booklet.
here's the article.


Thanks alot once again Gol, you crazy guy, and I'd just like to say I thought that was a tops effort last night of geting a bit of sleep on the old pool table at the Tav. You're a genius mate. Read Gol's other articles on Pool and weighing a Gilogram.

Oh yeah I just remeberd that Jeremy (who wrote this) asked me to post his site - www.infernal-light.com so hey, if you want to try a different religion (such as being a satanist) check it out.

Special birthday celebrations have to go out to Rach for yesterday, Janice (and me!) for Friday and Dreweski for last Monday. I've probably forgotten other people but hey.

If you've finsidhed the HSC, thumbs up from Matty. If you haven't, like me, it won't be long now, so keep up the study and make your mummy proud.

Wednesday November 7th, 2001. 17th day of HSC mayhem

Well I have been taking easy to the max the past 2 days after 3 unit English. 3u was good, by the way. It wasn't fantatsic, of course, but it was OK. That was despite the panic attack at the start where the board had put the questions in the wrong order (*gasp*) and i saw a few tears shed. But given the safety net of 5 minute reading time I think everyone worked out that they'd put the creative writing question first. That's right, the essay question was not in fact to depict yourself as a character from one of the prescribed texts. I know that seems obvious now, but it's surprising how much your brain, expecting the essay question first, just either panics or starts desperately trying to organise how you're going to put months worth of study on paper though the eyes of Will Kane from High Noon. All was OK however when everyone realised that the actual essay question was later in the paper, being "Revenge Tragedy uses conventions. Discuss."

Some lovely people thankfully sent me some stuff and my thanks go out to those people so thanks.

Yvonne sent me this about Bio:

Hey- just a note to say that Bio was good i felt.
Except for this stupid Q about an experiment I don't remember doing and so when they asked us to recount it I had to make it all up. And the second part of the Q was on "safe work practices" in relation TO the experiement and I don't recall doing them either so I had to make them up too except the ones I made up didn't even fit the experiement...."um...washing your hands? and being careful with a scalpel?"
And there was this pearler of a Q at the end where I just started crapping on about how genetic research and technology were taking over the world to creater a race of super ppl...it was worth 7 marks too....

Thanks Yvonne. I love you.

Rach sent me some great photos - Especially this one here!

I'll be back tomorrow with mor eof these amaizang pics from Rach.

And last but definately not least, Trav the big man sent me this amazing Guide to being a Crim. I ahven't got many guides lately, and its great to see someone still cares about the good of the universe. You're a legend Trav.

See y'all tomorrow, with more great stuff.

Monday November 5th, 2001. 15th day of HSC mayhem

Sorry guys - 3 Unit English really is forcing me to do a lot of procrastination which means not doing practical things like update the site, but doing more 'could be study' options such as watching moths die and counting the amount of people in each band that I have on CD, adding them all up and dividing them by how many bands i own to find the average amount of band members in the Cd's I have (which is 4.392). Bondy, however, in his true genius form, sent me this email after we worked out how to make his computer record his bass.

Don Juan,

The site looks holy as always. You are a man most high, a demigod to be uplifted and praised amongst the likes of Katie Holmes and Sean Carey. The leaders of our great nation look to you for inspiration, movies stars pine over your innate sense of fashion and game show contestants crave your immeasurable intellect and wisdom. Crowds of loiters form, desperate to steal a glimpse of your perfectly toned physique and disarmingly coquettish smile. Bill Gates kneels down and kisses the ground you walk on, and would eat your excrement if you desired.

Most importantly though.. i think you are cool.


Bondy also included this fantastical picture of himself. What a guy.

We love you Bondy

Saturday November 3rd, 2001. 13th day of HSC mayhem

Right well sorry about the lack of updates lately there's been so much going on. Pfffft. That or I've got lazy and one has sent me anything to post. Except Yvonne! My saviour! What a girl she is too, so much attitude and panash, yet so much love to give. We're very close, truth be known. Anyway Von ordered me to post this very amusing specimen paper on 4 unit Maths, but you don't have to be a maths nerd to apprciate it. Click here to goto the site or just download the .pdf file below (you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it). I went exploring around the site and found 2 others worth posting as well, and they're much shorter. Doing the subject probably makes it funnier I'm assuming but hey, download them here:

4 Unit Maths Joke specimen Paper

Information Processes and Technology Paper

Business Studies Paper

So whats going on then. Well I only have 2 exams left, and in that I do 13 units which means I could just stop now! I've done 10 units! The thought occurs to me many times per day. But no! Realising I am an inspiration to this class of 2001 I realise I must soldier on! I realise that it is my duty to keep studying hard, to stick to my word that when all the rest of you take it easy and get marks in the 80's my amazing UAI potentially in excess of 100 will scale the rest of you up to high 90's. Then you're parents will be happy, and more importantly you will be happy, and you will buy me many gifts. So don't forget that when you get a UAI in the nineties, or any UAI for that matter, it was because I scaled you up. So don't forget the generous gifts. They're very important.

Even if I have only made one child happy with this picture of me and Ives, it has more than done its job.

Just got this e-mail from the main man Bondy. On the subject of Business Studies.

Don Inc,

I started studying on wednesday, which was just in time for business studies on thursday. My teacher had to ring my mum, my dad, my brother and even email me to ensure i had the correct exam time. I didnt. Lucky she contacted me :-)

The first two sections of the paper were rosy.. a few guesstimations, a few from nowhere.. it was a good thing my friend told me the ratios before the exam. Then came the report.

To this day im still a little hazy on the 'report format'. I take it as a glorified listing of all you know about the topics in bullet form, with brief reference to the stimulus recieved. Pity we recieved about two lines of info on the business in question. The question read something like this... 'the company has been going for two years, wants to expand into e-commerce, some staff are leaving. and they are young.'Advise them using your huge business brain and rectify their financial, employment relational and social responsibility shortfalls based on the information provided. What information?

Social Responsibility was fun. An internet company's social responsibility? Umm... dont show pornography to minors or prudes.. um... don't cut people off the net (its very annoying ihug) .. um... ensure web browsers are fast.. tuck your shirt in at work.. i dont know.. ? The only thing i could vaugely recall was "dont put old computers in the recycling bin" ...

I became aware during the exam that diagrams could be used to further a point. I assumed that the top answers (ie baulko answers) would incorporate this. So i did. I explained the benefits of social responsibility in the
whimsical diagram enclosed in this email. I hope the markers enjoy it as much as i did.


Bondy, that diagram is genious.

Thursday November 1st, 2001. 11th day of HSC mayhem

If you don't think I'm going to whinge about Modo (Modern History for all you naive people) then you are sorely mistaken. No test deserves to be more whinged about. For me, that test epitomised why I do 13 units. Why? Because if you screw one up, then it won't count anyway. I have decided after each exam so far that Modo, IT and Maths all won't count. "But Donny" you say, "You don't do that many units!" to which I reply "No. No I don't."

So maybe only Modern History people will appreciate this analysis of the paper, but we'll see how we go. The highlight of the first section was probably two things. The first was a picture of a couple of soldiers from WWI in a trench, using a periscope. Thats right, those things you used to make in primary school where you get a long cardboard rectangle thing, and put mirrors in each end so you can see things half a metre above you. And the Question? Using Source A, how did the allies and the Germans use advanced technology to break the stalemate on the western front? Pfffft. They used periscopes! Yes! We are currently not speaking German because some allied genius put his primary school skills to good use and said "Hey fellas, I have this idea. If I put mirrors in this piece of cardboard, we might be able to see over the top of our trench, and look at their periscopes, and you know, see what sort of technology they've got going over there."

The next part of Question 1 was just as good. "How useful is source C for an historian studying German reactions to the Paris Peace Conference". Ok lets look at Source C. It's a speech, made by Woodrow Wilson a year before the War even ended. The Paris Peace Conference was the year after the war ended, obviously. So is this some kind of trick question? "Woodrow Wilson's speech, delivered on January 1918 (a full year before the Paris Peace Conference was even dreamed about) does not make a RATS ASS of difference to any historian trying to work out what the the german reaction was. Why? Because the peace conference HAD NOT HAPPENED yet. Which leads one to conclude, that there WAS NO GERMAN REACTION because that would be IMPOSSIBLE as they had NOTHING TO REACT TO. The source, therefore, is completely useless." Now this answer may conflict with the advice "point out all the positives about the source, don't dwell on the negatives" but hey. It was true.

Moving on to Part 2, the first question is "Outline the main events in the career of Leon Trotsky" and the second question is "Assess Leon Trotsky's role in the consolidation of power". And its not like choose an option either, you have to do both parts. The thing about this question is that the main events in Leon Trotsky's career was the consolidation of power. So once you've answered the first question, you just wrote it all out again for the second question. and it was all part of the one question , which means no new booklet, and it must be marked by the same marker. So if, like me and yas, you indulged in using the same 2 quotes you had learnt for both questions, the marker would see through your evil plan and actually realise that you only know those two quotes. And that's on top of them being immensely bored because of reading the same answer twice.


  1. The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.
  2. The system, policies, or practices of such a government.

Yes, wouldn't that have been useful next to Question 3? "Describe the role of imperialism in one crisis during the Cold War". I really don't want to dwell on it, as there is no way I could have passed this section, but basically I was pressed with the following diemna: When one does not understand the key word in a question, does one:
a) Refer fleetingly to the word in the first and last sentence of the essay, using it in broad and unspecific terms OR
b) Take a wild guess at what the word means and write an essay using the word in every second sentence as if you know damn well what it means OR
c) Attempt a different question about a different topic that you haven't studied (such as 'Conflict in Indochina') confident in the fact that you actually understand
all the words in that question, and therefore have a better chance of doing well.

In short, my answer was "The conflict in Indochina was a funny thing. Basically what happened was..."

Anyway that exam is done, there's nothing we can do, and I've heard alot of other people actually did really well in it so good for you, nerds.

I know there was no update yesterday (thanks to the people who pointed it out to me) and I'm sorry but due to a particular parental character I was not allowed on the interent. So whinge to them not me. I'm making up for it though by doing this massive update today. It's practically novelty size.

I keep getting sent Usama Bin Laden and taliban related pictures. Pilley sent me one yesterday which was gold, and here are some of the others that are the pick of the bunch. They're thumbnails so click on them to see the real sized versions. myah

Stuey has once again come up with the goods, being the genius that he is. The man is a paintbrush magician, and has most triumphantly churned out some amazing pictures. This is one (click on it to get the full size) and click here for another one.

I'm just surfing with my over-sized head.

Anyway my next exam is next tuesday so I'm going to take it easy. Maybe go play some pool with Carey.