Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
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Legal Stuff & Credits

This is the stuff made my site be here!

Hey! He's my disclamier page!
Ed, Edd n' Eddy belong to the creator Danny Antonucci at A.K.A. Cartoon and I take no credit for it! EEnE arn't mine! It is now being aired on Cartoon Network all around the world. It's copywrited on January 4, 1999.
I got practicaly all of my pictures from Google, and I will add more once I get some permission from other sites. And the pictures that are on everyone's bio pages were made on paint shop pro and made by me and my freiend and if you see those anywhere else please tell me.  I got some pictures also from The Eds Dreamsite from Double T and she got them from Cartoon Network and the EddZone So thanks Double T and Kit (from the EddZone) and Cartoon Network! hehe
I didn't get any permission to make the site but just made it for people to enjoy, this site has started on May 23, 2002.

Script/Story Editor
Danny Antonucci

Head Writer
Jono Howard

Danny Antonucci
Jono Howard
Mike Kubat
Geoff Berner
John Mein
Robert Leigton

Series Producer
Samantha Daly

Producer/Line Producer
Christine L. Danzo

Production Manager
Daniel Sioui

Associate Producer
Ruth Vincent

Music Composer
Patric Caird

Supervisor of Production for Cartoon Network
Bill Shultz

Executives in Charge of Production for Cartoon Network
Linda Simensky
Khaki Jones
Jay Bastian

Executive Producer
Danny Antonucci

Voice Director
Terry Klassen

Voice Talents
Ed - Matt Hill
Edd - Samuel Vincent
Eddy - Tony Sampson
Jimmy - Keenan Christiensen
Sarah/Lee - Janyce Jaud
Jonny - "Buck"
Kevin/Marie - Kathleen Barr
May - Erin Fitzgerald
Rolf - Peter Kelamis
Nazz - Tabitha St. Germain/Erin Fitzgerald

Storyboard Directors
Billy Zeats
J. Falconer

Head Storyboard Artist
Scott Underwood

Storyboard Artists
John Barclay
Jeff Barker
Rob Boutilier
Joel Dickie
Gerry Fournier
Billy Zeats
"Big" Jim Miller
Steve Raiston
Dave Mah
Jason Horychun
Karen Lloyd
Conrad Schmitt
Jason Surridge
Scott Underwood
Leah Waldron
James "Wootie" Wooton

Junior Storyboard Artists
Sassan Filsoof
Brad Gibson
Timothy Packford
Pat Pakula
Jayson Thiessen
Dave Donar
Anik Rosenblum
Jason "Pudgy" Surridge

Yeson Animation Studios
Funbag Animation
Eda Soong
a.k.a. Cartoon Inc.

Overseas Supervisors
Sheldon Arnst
Victor Glasko

Overseas Directors
Jong-Cheal Baeck
You-Sik Jang
Kwang-Jin Kim
Dong-Kwon Park

Overseas Studios
Yeson Animation Studios

Animation Supervisors
Shelson Arnst
Eda Soong

Animation Directors
Young Hee Byun
Jin Sung Hong
Kwang Jin Kim
Chui Ki Kwon

Animation Production
Suite: Yeson Animation Studios

Art Direction
Danny Antonucci

Background Design
Rod Filbrandt

Background Colour
Ginny Ivanicki

Colour Styling
Design: Bonni Reid

Bonni Reid

Angus Bungay

Prop Design
Trevor Bentley
Jim Miller
Angus Bungay
Olaf Miller

Supervisors of Layouts @ a.k.a.
Thesa Pakarnyk

Thesa Pakarnyk

Props Supervisor/Co-ordinator
Jilly Mentiply

Track Assembly
Glenwood Editorial
Skookum Sound

Storyboard Timer
Mike Grimshaw

Title Card Design
Kathy Boake

Lip Assignment
Kathy Lucker

Supervising Animation Director
Marlene Robinson-May

Sheet Directors
Justin Micheal
Marlene Robinson-May
Hayley Rose
Alex Saiya

Exposure Sheet Directors
Darren Brereton
Sarmund Burglet
Sherann Johnson
Sean Newton
Brian Ray
Marlene Robinson-May

Titles n Credits/Photography
Al Sens Animation Ltd.

Title Sequence Director
Paul Boyd

Title Sequence Animators
Paul Boyd
Leah Waldron
James Wooton
Tim Stuby

Title Sequence Assistant Animators
Brian Demoscoff
Dave Mah
Jason Surridge
Karen Lloyd

Post Production Supervisor
AJ Ullman

Post Production Coordinator
Kylie Ellis

Additional Post Production Service
Metropolitan Entertainment

Avid Editors
Ken Cathro
Joe Fitzpatrick

Ken Cathro
Greg Valeieres

Production Coordinators
Chantal Hennessey
Daniel Sioui
Ji-Yeon Hong

Production Assistants
Kevin Houbrechts
Candace Olsen

Negative Cutters
Original Conforming Service
Negative Cutting & Confirming Service Inc.

Film Transfers
Northwest Imaging & FX

Voice Production
Voicebox Productions Inc.

On-Line Facility
Studio, Post & Imaging

Video Colourist
Janice Cotter

Sound Designers
Bill Sheppard
Kerry Uchida

Sound Editors
Dean Giammarco
Sheena MacRae

Sound Assisitants
Maija Burnett
Brendan Ostrander
Johnny (2x4) Ludgate

Sound Re-recording
Western Post Production Ltd.

Post Film & Tape Transfers
Rainmaker Digital Pictures

Legal Counsel
Wyman, Issacs, Blumenthal & Lynne LLP

Ruth Vincent
Sorry if somthings wrong... if it is let me know!!! jet6125@roadrunner.com