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spinning dollar signA page all about Eddy!spinning dollar sign
Voice by Tony Sampson


Eddy... The egotistical Ed, the smallest of the 3 but has the biggest ego!
           Eddy's Brother
Who is Eddy's brother?  Why does Eddy metion him all the time? We all pretty much know hes probably like Eddy since he did teach Eddy everything he knew!
-It looks like a postcard I sent my brother once...
-My brother taught me how to make it! ...Before he went away...
-*Marie holds up underwear* There my brothers! What!?
-The Swimsuits of the Gods! ...Ok there my brothers...
So wear is his brother?!?! There are a few possiblities but no one knows for sure except the Danny Antonucci, and does even he know!? Dun Dun Dun...
Eddy, Money n'  Jawbreakers!
So we all know Eddy has an obsession with all three!  You can tell he likes himself (sadly), and he scams to get money, and he uses the money to get jawbreakers!  Which one does he like the most?  Hmmm... Well... he loves himself b/c when ever he sees a mirror he can look in it for hours and complement himself, and he tries sooooo hard to get money!  But is it just for jawbreakers?  It can be for other things too, like ticket money for "Robot Rebel Ranch" .  And he always says that he likes *ahem* LOVES jawbreakers.  I also wonder how he first got into them... and why he doesn't beg his mom to buy him some!  But then all the fun would be taken out of it!  I have a friend, Cori, an she got her first jawbreaker from me.  And everyday, all day from then, shes been begging me to give her one... It reminds me too much of Eddy!! Ahhh!!!
Eddy's Name
What's Eddy's fully name? it can be... Edward, Edmond, Edgar... Any of those... and His middle name... EDDY'S MIDDLE NAME IS SKIPPER! HAHAHA! Let's all laugh... and Ed said "To get lunch from Double D Eddy McGee!" does that mean his last name is McGee? Or did Ed just say it cause it rymed... so it might be...
Edward/Edmond/Edgar Skipper McGee
...odd... skipper heh...
Hmm... Some Girls either seem to like Eddy or Edd... but now... since were on Eddy's page we'll talk about why they love Eddy... so... WHY do some girls like Eddy?  Well... I'm not sure... Eddy's kinda.. uhhh... vertically challanged.  He seems sorta mean, but some girls go for that.  Cause some girls cant see themselves with the sweet guys, and are always attracted to the badasses.  At some points he might be kinda cute... I'm not to sure about Eddy... So just E-Mail me and tell me why you love Eddy... =)

Eddy Quotes

If she told you to jump into a lake with a rock tied to your head, and wait for naked photos of you to develop so she can hand them out, to all the kids in the cul-de-sac, would you?

Ready Eddy, I like that

I aint touchin that.

Were gonna be rich!

Its the pictures Im worried about!

My brothers coming home! At least thats Ill tell them

"What's Toulouse gonna do anyway? Fingerpaint me to death?"

"Those twerps will regret the day they ever messed with this brain power!"

"I bet that key could open King Tut's tomb, or Al Capone's wallet, or some exploited cartoon character's theme park!"

Hey, Hey, Hey, Im the one with the key!

Like my new hairdo Double D?

WhooHoo! PG-13!

Its July!

Did I say rich? I meant SUPER RICH!

Whats with the cupcake?

Whats with the glass?

What with Ed's face?

Scam time!  Double D act Natural, Ed, shut up.


I'm rubbing off on you Double D!

I'm not short!  I'm just fine!

We know the Eds are WAY insignificant!

Rolf scares me..