What was New

December 10, 1999: Unbelievable! This site now has more than a thousand hits. Thank you!

Since I said I'd add a little something before break, here you go... A little list called EQ predictions for 2000!

It might be January before my next update. Thanks for being patient.

December 8, 1999: This site has *really* been needing updates lately. Therefore, let me list the new/upcoming changes...

First and foremost, there's the fifth installment of 'Quiz: Death. Read it while you can!

Second, I'm going to do the long-overdue task of updating the "extra" files. The links page, and soon, the projects-to-do list will be improved.

Lastly, I'll try to get something new on the humor page in the next week. It's been sitting there for a while.

Just so you know... I will be on break starting December 15th or so, but I'll be back in January. Thanks.

December 1, 1999: Hey, I'm back. Miss me?

In the next week or so, I plan to write the fifth installment of Quiz: Death. Until then, I've posted that slight revision of installment 4. (Not much new there.)

November 19, 1999: This took a long time... mostly because of my daily work and daily procrastination. Well, since you waited, I have something to show. Here's Quiz: Death 4, the fourth installment of the "movie."

In the last two or three days of November, I'll be able to update again. At that time, I'll do a slight re-format of the new installment. In addition, I will let you know what projects will be released in December. Thanks for your patience!

November 5, 1999: Things have been a bit more hectic than usual. I finally got 'Quiz TAL 4 finished, but the chapter just isn't satisfying. After all, the many throw-out scenes and plot twists *could* have lead to something significant. However, I decided to take the scale-back route. The last chapter has almost no plot resolution, and most of the characters don't even appear. It's probably a failure, but there might be a good side to this... I didn't try to top myself.

Well, the 'Quiz movie will continue soon. Like I've said, that project won't be dragged out over an 18-month period. When it ends, it ends.

Until next time...

October 25, 1999: Back when I started this site, I tried to aim it at a large audience. Sure, I only had the original 'Quiz story, but I thought the site would interest all sorts of EQ fans.

Well, a lot of time has gone by. I've long since realized that most websites attract only a narrow group of people. Need it be said that EQ fans aren't exactly in abundance? The lack of monthly comics doesn't exactly help.

To make a long story short... back in the spring of 1998, I wrote a number of humor files. More were added as the months went by, but my stories slowly overtook them in priority. In fact, the page hadn't been updated in six months... until now!

The new thing for today is a humor file called Super-Condensed Elfquest. In it, the first four volumes are reduced to a few sentences! The idea comes from Rinkworks.

Other news: it'll be a few more days, or possibly a week, until the next chapter of TAL 4. I'm rather busy this week. Sorry... but it *will* get done!

Finally, the old updates have been placed in Archive 7. Go there if you want them.


Other archives...

Updates Archive 1: October 23 - November 20, 1998

Updates Archive 2: November 29 - December 17, 1998

Updates Archive 3: January 10 - February 7, 1999

Updates Archive 4: February 15 - March 5, 1999

Updates Archive 5: March 15 - April 10, 1999

Updates Archive 6: April 15 - May 4, 1999

Updates Archive 7: August 24 - October 14, 1999

Updates Archive 8: October 25 - December 10, 1999


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Please refer to the Disclaimer page for legal notices. This page was last updated on January 9, 2000. Trying not to frustrate you...