
Once you have purchased or adopted a chihuahua take it to a veterinarian. You want to make sure your new little apple head is happy and healthy before bringing it home. A vet will make you aware of any health concerns with your new pet. Usually when adopted from a well known place like a local SPCA, your new chihuahua will most likely already be in good health. When purchased from a breeder, especially one you’re not too familiar with, it’s best to take your new chihuahua to a vet as soon as possible.


Feeding your little apple head is not difficult. Follow your vet’s recommendation if there is one for their daily nutrition. Most chihuahuas will eat dry or wet food. When feeding dry food, select a brand that will make it easy for a chihuahua to eat, like small chewy bite size kibble. With wet food, make it appealing. Chop it up. Chihuahuas can be picky eaters and if the looks foreign to them, like the food is still the shape of the container it came in, they’ll ignore it no matter delicious it may smell. Some chihuahuas will be so picky as to not east only if fed to. Unless you love your pet that much to hand feed it daily, you’ll want to break them from that habit.