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U Know When Ur a Real Raver when...
You have sleeping patterns that would kill normal human beings.
You start coveting all of your dad's old 1977 polyester sweat suits.
Almost every letter of the alphabet has an alternate meaning to you.
You begin to think of blow-pops as a separate food group.
The mere mention of a 3 digit number with a "0" in the middle of it causes you to drool uncontrollably.
The odometer of your car increases in big chunks over the weekend.
You get an evil grin every time you see commercials for "E: The Entertainment Network".
You have to fight back the urge to beat the hell out everyone who thinks raves are like the club scene in Basic Instinct.
You can keep a straight face when you tell people "Really, not that many people are on anything... I'm serious!"
You are happy when there's a recession because it means more empty warehouses.
Food, water, air, Vick's... all are of about equal importance.
You can live for an entire weekend out of your book bag.
You are no longer just a raver... but a promoter, vendor, dj, etc...
You know about the information police.
You're white and have dreads.
You have trouble naming 5 friends who are not pierced somewhere.
You'll pay $20 for a ticket to an event that may very well not happen... and you'll pay $30 for a pill that may very well be aspirin... but you will not pay $1.00 for that big glass of water!
You can't pass an empty warehouse, church, school, big open field, barn, airplane hanger, phone booth, nuclear power plant, etc. without getting that far-off look in your eye and saying... "Wow, what a great site for a..."
When you see Capn' Crunch 4 times in one week!
You not only notice that household appliances like washing machines can generate a funky beat, you also argue about whether it's tribal or trance.