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Approved Links to Other Articles

By Dr. Ron Friedman, MS, DVM:  "...Although miniature horses are members of the equine family, the differences between them and their large cousins are many..."

From Purdue University's Agricultural and Veterinary School:
New Articles:

Very helpful and informative:
Introduction to Horse Management ["...purpose of this publication to review the basic needs of the horse..."]
Nutritional Management for Horses  ["... for horses should be the same..."]
Improving Pastures by Renovation  [ a step-by-step how-to and what-for, very interesting, and let's get rid of that nasty old fescue!]
Fences for Horses  ["to assist horse owners with the decisions involved in selecting..."]
Maximizing the Value of Pasture for Horses  ["pasture will be an economical source of high-quality feed as well as a healthy place for ..."]
Selecting The First Horse ["evaluate the criteria for selecting an animal for an enjoyable, safe, and affordable first experience with horse ownership..."]
Should I Buy a Horse for My Child?  ["how to decide what kind of horse to buy..." etc., a good check list!]