Trail Diary 3

Hamrick's of California 1850

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"A Journal of our Travels across the
Mountains to California"

"Following is an account, copied word for word from notes made in pencil in his notebook, by my grandfather, George R. Hamerick, of travel by wagon train from Missouri to California in 1863. George M. Taylor"

June of 1863

"Platt River Monday June the 1st this Day found Two of our Oxen gone, which were not found before night But we traveled 12 miles and stopped until the cattle came up Camped on the Platt in sight of and Indian camp and a ranch

Platt River Tuesday June 2nd Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled 26 miles Weather fine considerable wind Camped at Jewelsburg Croping grass tolerable good plenty of water no wood all well

Platt River Wednesday June the 3rd This morning we crossed the Platt River at Jewelsburg we had a verry good time of crossing as we all got across safe and without any accident we Traveled 5 or 6 miles and camped at Pole Creek Weather dry and Windy Appearance of a storm at night but no any Water and grass plenty no wood all moderately well

Pole Creek Thursday June the 4th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled up Pole Creek 20 miles and campedd on the Creek The Road was like a Turnpike The Weather fine Grass the best we have Water plenty also wood all well but John Hamrick

Pole Creek Friday June 5th Resumed our journey this morning Drove 8 miles to the Crossing and stopped to Water and Dine from here to Muddy Springs there is neither water nor Grass for 30 miles which we travel a part after night making in all 38 miles for this day Water plenty Wood non Grass verry poor all well but John

Mud Springs Saturday June 6th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled 6 or 8 miles and came in sight of Court House Rock which has a grand appearance in a mass of rock, rising some 200 feet above the level of the Plain, the rock is a soft, sandy clay substance which can be cut with a knife it consists of six steps or benches it is 3/4 of a mile in circumference of an oblong shape thinking we were 3 or 4 miles of it, I started to walk to it but I found it 6 or 8 miles I clumb to the top of it and wrote my name on it we traveled 8-10 miles after leaving the Rock and camped at the North Platt Traveled 18 Or 20 miles this day Weather find Grass and Water good no Wood All well but John

Platt River Sunday June 7th Remained in Camp today until noon and had preaching at Eleven by M. Peterson Started after noon but had a heavy Rain Traveled 8 miles and camped on the Platt just north of Chimney Rock which resembles a chimney verry much Grass only tolerable plenty, Wood none all tolerable well

Platt River Monday June the 8th Resumed our journey this morning I took an opportunity of visiting Chimney Rock this morning it is a rock of soft clay substance 3 or 400 feet high the main Rock is about 30 feet wide and 12 or 15 feet thick and about 100 feet high being nearly perpendicular after it leaves the main slope we walked about 8 miles before we caught up with the Train we traveled this Day 12 mils and camped on the Platt one quarter on a mile from an Express office Weather rainy Grass Modertly good Water plenty wood none all well Except E. Peterson E. Wren L.J. Ellege Mrs. Kenedy

Platt River Tuesday June the 9th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled 12 miles to Scotts Bliffs which are a grand range of hilles or Bluffs rising to different hights some to the hights of 300 to 400 feet they are composed of different colored rock or Earth we passed directly through the Bluffs in some places just wide enough for the waggons to pass through this day we drove about 26 miles and camped on the Platt, Grass and Water Plenty Procured good wood at the Bliffs all well except E. Wren

Platt River Wednesday June the 10th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled over high Land which was verry sandy we drove about 20 miles this Day and camped on the Platt 18 miles from Ft. Larimie and 1 mile from certain Bluffs on the River Grass and Water Plenty Wood Plenty weather fine all well but E. Wren

Platt River Thrusday June the 11th Resumed our journey this morning and passed a great many Indian Wigwams and about 2 or 3 o'clock we crossed the Laramie Fork of Platt on a Draw Bridge we had to pay $1.00 for our horse and waggons and $1.50 for larger teams We did not go through Ft. Laramie We struck the North Platt 4 miles and Camped Traveled 23 miles this day Wood and Water plenty Grass poor all well but E. Wren

Platt River Friday June the 12th Resumed our journey this morning drove 4 miles and stopped for the purpose of washing resting our teams Grass tolerable good Wood plenty all well but Elizabeth Wren she being very sick

Platt River Saturday June the 13th Remained in camp this day as E. Wren was verry sick in the afternoon she gave Birth to a fine Boy Better tonight

Platt River Sunday June the 14th Remained in camp today as E. Wren was not able to travel had some preaching by M. Peterson were visited today by 7 of the U.S. soldiers stationed at Ft. Laramie all well but E. Wren

Platt River Monday June the 15th Resumed our journey this morning and traveled over a part of the Black Hills which were verry rough and hilly But the road was good Water and Wood plenty Grass not verry good Camped in a small Vally on the Platt Traveled 25 or 6 miles this Day By the way I will say that the Black/hills abound with the most magnificent and grand scenery all well but E. Wren and two or three others who were somewhat complaining

Platt River Tuesday June the 16th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled about 18 miles this day over verry Hilly and rough Roads Camped on a small dry Creek no Grass nor Water Plenty of Wood All well but E. Wren Weather dry and clear

Dry Creek Wednes June the 17th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled about 16 miles and camped on a small creek where Grass Wood and Water was plenty in fact this was the best camping place qs we have had since starting the hills were verry grand covered with red and white Quarts Rock there is also a noble Spring and a cave 300 yards from this Camp which I shall name Camp Plenty we are about 15 miles north of Laramie Peak all well but Celesta and E. Wren

Laperal Creek Camp Plenty Thursday June the 18th Continued our journey this morning and Traveled over verry broken Country But not so Rocked as that of preceeding days Traveles about 16 miles and camped on a Creek named Boxelder where we had plenty of Wood and Water and only tolerable plentty of Grass Weather fine all well but E. Wren who is some better and Celesta who is smarlty complaining Te soil and Rock of this section looks as though they had been burned

Box Alder Friday June the 19th Continued our journey this morning and Traveled over roling Pararie and Struck the Platt River about 3 O'clock in the afternoon drove a mile or two and crossed Deer Creek and camped 1/2 miles from the Express Office At night we were visited by the soldiers stationed at this place had plenty of Grass Wood and Water Weather find Celesta is some better today E. Wren some better Traveled 20 miles

Deer Creek Saturday June the 20th Resumed our journey this morning and had a nice good road this day we saw old friends Hayleys and Jones on the other side of the River We traveled 23 miles this day and Camped 1/2 of a mile below the lower crossing Water plenty Wood none except Sage Brush Grass only tolerable good all well But E. Wren and Celesta E. Wren considerable better Celesta verry sick Weather fine

Lower crossing Sunday June the 21st Resumed our Journey this morning and drove 2 1/2 miles and camped on the Platt today at 11 o'clock We had a meeting this day Hayleys and John Jones crossed the South side of the River at Lower Crossing Grass Water and Wood plenty Weather fine all well except E. Wren and Celesta Weather fine

Platt River Monday June the 22nd Remained in Camp until 3 O'clock (?) for the purpose of seting waggon Tires Resumed our Journey at 3 O'clock and crossed the Platt at the upper Crossing had to pay $45 for Crossing 31 Waggons on the Bridge which was a quarter of a mile in length Traveled 7 miles and Camped on the Platt for the last time Grass and Wood not verry good Water plenty All well except E. Wren and Celesta who are considerable better Weather fine

Platt River Tuesday June the 23rd Resumed our Journey this morning and Traveled and hour or two When we met a drove of Horses stampeding-----they belonged to ----- All took dinner at the Red Butes or Bluffs in the forenoon the Roads were Bad in the afternoon verry poor Water nor verry good all able to be about except E. Wren Weather fine

Willow Springs Wednesday June the 24th Resumed our Journey this morning and Traveled 25 miles this day Roads excellent Struck Sweet Water at the Bridge and Camped right west of Independence Rock which is the greatest curiosity I ever saw it is a solid Rock rising 200 feet above the level of the Plain it is 1/4 of a miles in length and 1/8 in bredth it is covered with names Grass and Water plenty Wood none all well except E Wren Weather fine

Independence Rock Thursday June the 25th Resumed our journey this morning and passed the Devil's Gate which is the most stupendous wonder I ever saw the Sweetwater River runs throught the Mountain of Solid Rock forming a wall of Rock 200 or 300 feet high and is 1/2 of a miles throgh the Rock it is the best of Granite we Drove about 14 miles and camped on the Sweetwater River Grass Wood and Water plenty all able to be about Weather fine

Sweetwater River Friday June the 26 Resumed our Journey this morning and Traveled 20 miles over verry good road all this day We were in sight of the mountains on Either side of the Sweet Water which was composed of Solid Granite Rock we camped on Sweet Water River opposite to Rattle Snake mountains Grass Wood and Water plenty all well Weather fine with light showers

Sweet Water Saturday June the 27th Resumed our Journey this Morning and Traveled about 22 miles over good roads to the ThreeCrossings which we passed about noon after which we had good roads until night At the Three Crossings We cross the Sweet Water Three times in one mile we camped on the Sweet Water and had plenty of Grass Water and Wood Weather fine all able to be about, This day we came in sight of the Snowy Range

Sweet Water Sunday June the 28th Resumed our journey this morning and Drove until 3 o'clock P.M. Traveled about 18 miles and camped on the Sweet Water had excellent Road Plenty of Water Wood and Grass Had preaching in the Evening all well but our Babe Weather fine

Sweet Water Monday June the 29th Resumed our journey this morning and Traveled until noon when it Commenced to Raining We remained in Camp the rest of the day This day we traveled about (?) miles and found plenty of Grass Wood and Water all well with the exception of our Babe Weather Rainey Camped on Sweet Water

Sweet Water Tuesday June the 30th Resumed our journey this morning and passes over Rock Ridge which was the right name as it is the Roughest Road we have passed over since we left the States in the afternoon we had verry good roads We drove 26 miles and Camped on Sweet Water Wood and Water plenty Grass verry poor as the Grasshoppers have Eaten it all up this day we saw 69 Waggons on the Road Weather fine all fine except Melvin and Frank Peters and E. Wren"

July 1863

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