18th Regiment Louisiana Infantry![]()
Please take a few moments to read the note at the bottom of the proceeding page (History: Camps and Forts)...for details as to the manner in which the men's names are listed and noted there. This note can assist in the assimilation of the information that follows.
It should be noted at this point, that the reader will immediately see that not only does this roll of men contain the names of men who served in the 18th Louisiana; but, that it also contains many names of the men who served in the 18th Consolidated Regiment and Yellow Jacket Battalion. Because of the consolidation of the 18th Regiment at Simmesport, Louisiana on Nov. 14, 1863, it would stand to reason that the regiment did NOT cease to exist at Simmesport; but, took on a different designation with the addition of men from the Crescent Regiment (24th Regiment) and the Yellow Jacket Battalion (10th Battalion). Thus this researcher strongly feels that the addition of this information was absolutely necessary in compiling the History of the 18th Regiment.
Additional note: (24 November 1999)
Names that are UNDERLINED are men who have been VERIFIED against the Muster Roll Pages of the 18th Regiment Louisiana Infantry. Some names could NOT be verified against the Muster Roll Pages, for the pages were in such poor shape as to not allow verification.
New Feature!!! Added on 6 June 2000
Louisiana Confederate Civil War Soldier DataBase
Look for the Confederate Headstone and Click on the Link Veterans: Burial Sites
You will then be taken to a wonderful site by Mr. N. Wayne Cosby entitled Some Confederate Soldiers Buried in Louisiana and Some Louisiana Confederate Soldiers Buried in Other States where information relating to the burial site of this Louisiana Civil War soldier is located.
Muster Roll of Field & Staff:
18th Regiment Louisiana Infantry(Arranged by Order of Rank):
Excerpt from:
"A Soldier's Story of the War", by Napier Bartilett
"Record of the Eighteenth Louisiana Regiment"
Death of a General
The following excerpt is from the abovementioned passage by
Mr. Napier Bartilett and is a description of the death of General Alfred Mouton:
Jean Jacques Alfred Alexander Mouton"...Mouton was always in the front. The guns were taken after a desperate struggle. The Federals broke and fled.Mouton pursued; he passed a group of thirty-five Federal soldiers; they threw down their arms in token surrender.Mouton turned, lifting his hand to stay the firing Confederates upon this group of prisoners:
as he did so, five of the Federals stooped down, picked
up their guns, aimed them at the generous Confederate: in a
moment, five balls pierced the noble, magnanimous breast;
Mouton dropped from his saddle dead, without a word or a
sigh. The Confederates who witnessed this cowardly deed,
gave a yell of vengeful indignation, and before their
officers could check them, the thirty five Federals lay dead
around Mouton..." 4 |
Alexander Mouton |
The preceeding passage on the life of General Alfred Mouton is reprinted from the following source:
Generals in Gray, by Ezra J. Warner
Pg. 222-223
Louisiana State University Press
Copyright © 1959, 1987 by Dorothy P. Warner
Mouton, Alfred (J. J. Alfred), Col., Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Roman. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. (Footnote #8, pg. 290...Mouton was promoted to brigadier general to rank from April 16, 1862. Warner, Generals in Gray, p. 222) ( April 8th, 1864, Mansfield...“But the greatest loss to us all on that day was the death of our noble General Mouton, who was dastardly killed in the moment of victory whilst striving to avoid any further loss of life to the enemy by some Federals who had thrown down their arms, but seeing him some distance from his own men, fired upon him, killing him instantly.” Additional information transcribed from pg. 158, Reminiscences of Uncle Silas, by Silas T. Grisamore.)
(Additional information with regards to the "Death of a General" -- On 22 July 2000, this message was received with regards to a different account on the death of General Alfred Mouton. The account, unedited, follows: "A note on the death of Gen Alfred Mouton at the battle of Mansfield: to my grandfather (John Robert Parrott), Mouton was a great personal hero. During the battle, my grandfather was stationed at the edge of the ravine, stationed where he could see Mouton's charge across the field, and where he could see him felled by the sniper's bullet. At the same moment, He (JRParrott) was also wounded, in the upper left arm, by another Federal sniper. But he dragged himself over to where Mouton lay dying, on the open field, and he held the general in his arms as he died. In my grandfather's words, "our blood flowed together." When the stretcher bearers came to take Mouton's body away, they found my grandfather still cradling the dead general in his arms. I still have a silk handkerchief my grandfather was carrying inside his uniform (gift of his fiance/wife), which he took out and wiped away Mouton's blood with it.
The blood stains are still there. Holding Mouton as he died was -- in my grandfather's words -- the highest moment of the war." This account is by John Robert Parrott, Pvt., Co. H., A. Crescent/Cons. Crescent Regiment Louisiana Infantry. John Robert Parrott was by occupation: a planter and banker. He was married to Alda Agnes Woods (1846-1927). This marriage produced ten issues, including four sons and six daughters. John Robert survived the war and died in September 1918. He is laid to rest at the Parrott Cemetery (family cemetery), near Zwolle, Louisiana. (See J. R. Parrot Gravesite Image to left) Contributer and contact is: Robert E. Parrott, Grandson to the late John Robert Parrott. An application for Pension Benefits from the State of Louisiana is on file for John Robert Parrott and/or his widow.
7 April 2003: Photo of John R. Parrott gravesite is courtesy of Jamie Roberts. Mr. Roberts great-grandfather John F. Roberts, 7th Miss. Infantry, is also buried at the Parrott Cemetery. "...Look where you can see the red flowers display from a recent funeral, his grave is slightly to the right of those flowers..."
Photo taken at the Turkey Creek Cemetery, Turkey Creek, Evangeline Parish.
18 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Lafayette Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Armant, Leopold L. (Ludger),1st Lt., Major, Col. F. & S. 18th La. Infty. En. Oct. 5th, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on All Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, “Elected Major May 13th, 1862.” Roll for July and Aug., 1862, “Present. Elected Major May 10th, 1862. Promoted Col. July 19th, 1862.” Roll for May and June, 1863, “Present.” Roll for July and Aug., 1863, “Absent. Commanding Mouton's Brigade Since —.” Also on Rolls of F. & S. Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Infty. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, “Present.” (April 8th, 1864, Mansfield...“Col. Armant, the brave and youthful commander of the 18th, was instantly killed:...”, Additional information transcribed from pg. 157, Reminiscences of Uncle Silas, by Silas T. Grisamore.)
Additional Information (20 August 2001)...The following information was kindly passed on to us by the descendant of Joseph Paulin Toups, Pvt., Co. G., Mr. Denis Gaubert. The information is as follows: There is a portrait of Col. Leopold L. Armant hanging in the Confederate Museum in New Orleans. In this portrait, behind Col. Armant, is a flag. The flag is of the Department of Alabama style but without white fimbration separating the blue cross from the red field, and with a white border and white fringe.
18 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. James Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Roman, Alfred, Lt. Col., Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. —. Rolls Oct. 5, 1861, to Dec. 31, 1861, Present, Camp Roman, La. Commsd. Lt. Col., Oct. 5, 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present. Signs Roll as Commanding Regt. Signs certificate as Inspector and Mustering Officer.
11 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
Collins, Joseph, Capt. Lt. Col. Co. I. 18th La. Infty. En. June 19th, 1861, New Orleans. La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent. Sick. Re-elected Capt., May 11th, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Wounded at Shiloh. Sick since April 11th, 1862. Promoted Lt. Col., July 23rd, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1863, Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1864, Absent. Detailed on Gen. Court Martial at Vermilionville, since Aug. 1st, 1863. Also on Rolls of F. and S. Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Infty. as Lt. Col. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. On Roll of Prisoners of War of Official Officers, Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 8th, 1865, as Col. 18th La. Infty. (April 6th, 1862, Shiloh...”The result of the charge made upon the enemy by the 18th Regiment was disastrous, especially to our company. The loss of officers and men killed, wounded, and captured was about 200...Collins of New Orleans...were wounded;...”, Additional information transcribed from pg. 45, Reminiscences of Uncle Silas, by Silas T. Grisamore.)
(8 September 2004) Additional Information: The following information was received from a descendant of Col. Joseph Collins following the Battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill.I have some additional information on Col. Joseph Collins, 18th LA . He was my great, great grandfather and I recently came across some old letters and paper of his. One letter of his, pertaining to his promotion to Colonel, may be of interest. It was written to his wife, and dated as follows:
Cheneyville, LA, May 6, 1864:
"I have just a moment to tell you that I am quite well. I went through Mansfield and Pleasant Hill without a scratch but with my horse 'Teche' killed the first day, and another mount killed on the second. Poor Armant was killed, and (1st Lt.) Lavery wounded on the 8th, and died on the 17th. Couros, of the O.C. wounded slightly, but Jenkins and all the rest are well.
"We have won two glorious victories and have been following them up ever since. I have been promoted to Colonel over our old brigade -- Morton's bragade has won eteranl fame.
" Yours affectionately,
25 July 2004 - Contact with descendant: Beatty Collins
19 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Orleans Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Mouton, Wm., Lt. Col. 18th La. Inf. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers, C. S. A., paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865
Mouton, William, Capt. Major Co. F, Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, since June 19, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present, promoted Major July 19. Roll May and June, 1863, Absent, sick. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present.
23 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
Barthelemy, Edward C., 2nd Lt., Adjt. Co. E., F. and S. 18th La. Infty. En. Oct. 5th, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Oct. 5th to 31st, 1861, “Present.” Regt. Return for Nov., 1861, “Confirmed as Adjt. 18th La. Vols. at Camp Roman Nov. 1st 1861. Present.” Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, “Present.”
Sanders, R. W., 1st Lt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Acting Asst. Qr. Master since Nov. 11, 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Superseded by order of reorganization, May 10, 1862.
Bush, Louis, Major F. and S. 18th La. Infty. Commsd. or apptd. Major, Oct. 5th, 1861. Camp Roman, La. Field and Staff Roll, June, 1862, Maj. Bush absent with leave from May 2nd, 1862, and returned June 10th, 1862. Regtl. Return for June, 1862, Present. Elected at late reorganization Lt. Col. Has not been assigned to new office. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Maj. Bush having declined the Lt. Colcy. was dismissed from service July 10th, 1862.
18 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Orleans Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Littlell, R. H., Surgeon F. and S. 18th La. Inf. En. —. Roll for Oct. 5 to 31, 1861, Apptd. Surgeon Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Roman, reported present. Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, state present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, with remarks: Absent, with leave on May 21, 1862. Returned June 21, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Resigned July 31, 1862.
Gourrier, Alfred, Asst. Surg., F. and S., 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, On leave of absence for 7 days from Dec. 24, 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, attending sick soldiers of the 18th La. Regt., Corinth, Miss. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent on detached service since May 10, 1862. Returned June 27, 1862. Absent with leave again on May 29, Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent. Detached in Hospl. at Columbus since June 29, 1862.
Patin, C. F., 1st Sergt. Commsy. Co. F, F. and S., 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 3, 1861. Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862. Present. appointed Commsy. Sergt., Jan. 12, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Absent with leave from May 9, 1862, and returned May 10, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present.
23 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
Grisamore, Silas T., Sergt. Q. M. Co. G, F. and S., 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Promoted Dec. 17, 1861, from 1st Sergt. to 3rd Lt. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to June, 1863, Present. Elected 1st Lt., May 3, from 3rd Lt. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent on detached service. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Apptd. Capt. and Asst. Qr. Master of the Regt. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Co. –, F. and S., Cons. 18th Regt. La. Inf. and Yellow Jacket Battn. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, Acting Brig. Q. M. since Jan. 30, 1864.
(3 April 2001) Additional Information: Silas T. Grisamore kept a diary of his experiences in the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment. His account is one of the best timelines of the actions of this historic Louisiana regiment. Throughout the pages of this world wide web site, there are countless referrences to the account by Mr. Grisamore. His words are a glowing tribute to the fellow men and officers whom he served alongside throught the terrible war years. Should you care to read the entire account, you may do so. The diary has recently been reprinted and now carries the title: The Civil War Reminiscences of Major Silas T. Grisamore, C.S.A., edited by Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr. and published by LSU Press and carries the referrence number: ISBN 0-8071-1817-6.
2 November 2000 - Contact with decendant: Francis C. and Peggy Nerren Grisamore
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. John's Church Cemetery, Thibodaux, La Veterans: Burial Sites
11 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
Webre, J. S. (also on Rolls as Webre, Septime), Pvt. 2nd Lt. Co. E, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present, elected 2nd Lt. May 11, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present, Acting Adjt. since May 10, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present on Provost Guard in Vermilionville since Aug. 4, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., 2nd Lt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865.
De Chaignon, A., Chaplain F. and S. 18th La. Infty. En. Feb. 22nd, 1862, Mobile. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent on ten days leave of absence since Aug. 23rd, 1862.
Bonsall, W. B., Surgeon F. and S. 18th La. Infty. Cons. and Yellow Jacket Battn. En. —. Roll for May and June, 1862, “Present. Apptd. A. Surgeon, June 23rd, 1862, near Camp Pollard.” Rolls from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, “Apptd. Surgeon, Dec. 17th, 1862, Camp Taylor, near Thibodeaux, La.” Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, “Absent with leave, since —.” On Register of Paroles given at Post of Columbus, Miss., May 23rd, 1862.
Vernon, M. P., Pvt. Asst. Surgeon Co. B, Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Bisland, Dec. 10, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863. Absent. Asst. in Regtl. Hospl. since Dec. 16, 1862. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Apptd. Asst. Surgeon, Dec. 17, 1862.
Bauvais, R., Asst. Adjt. Field and Staff, 18th (Cons.) La. Infty. Roll for June 30th thru Aug. 31st, 1863. (Information as transcribed from Muster Rolls obtained from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans. )
Comeau, F. T., 2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. E. F. and S. 18th La. Infty. En. Oct. 5th, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Promoted 1st Lt. July 24th, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Also appears as Comeau, F. T. of Co. I. Cons. 18th Regt. La. Infty. and Yellow Jacket Battn. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent with leave since Feb. 22nd, 1864, by authority from District Hdqrs.
Allen, C. E. (Charles Elihu), Asst. Surgeon F. and S. 18th (Cons.) La. Infty. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only roll on file), “Apptd. Asst. Surgeon Dec. 9th, 1862, near Alexandria, La.” Roll states “Present.”
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. Mary Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Rosser, J. B., Adjt. Field and Staff, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), commsd. Adjt. Nov. 1, 1863, Alexandria, La. Roll states Present.
New Entry on 17 October 2000
Poche, Felix Pierre, Capt., Co. -- , Commissary Subsistence Officer, 18th La. Infty. "...In June of 1862, he entered the 18th Louisiana Infantry as Captain of a company under Col. Louis Bush, and in November was placed on the staff of Gen. Alfred Mouton as commissary subsistence officer. Felix Poche wrote in his diary eyewitness descriptions of the Battle of Mansfield and of the battleground immediately after the Battle of Pleasant Hill." Note: Booth's Records does not carry an entry for Felix Pierre PochÈ. jlr) Information from the PochÈ Family Organization Resource Center PochÈs in the Civil War
17 Oct 2000 - Exerpts of diary of Felix Pierre PochÈ, See: PochÈs Civil War Diary Exerpts
17 Oct 2000 - Exerpts of diary of Felix Pierre PochÈ, See: F. P. PochÈ in Uniform Photo
Muster Roll of Non-Commissioned Staff :
18th Regiment Louisiana Infantry
St. Martin, A. L., Sergt. Major, Field and Staff, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll states Present.
St. Martin, Alfred L., Sergt., Sergt. Major, Co. G, Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861, Promoted 3rd Sergt., Dec. 17, 1861. Rolls Jan., 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Apptd. Sergt. Major, July 18, 1862. Was previously 2nd Sergt. Co. G, acting as Sergt. Major since May 10, 1862. Rolls May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present.
Sanchez, William, Sergt. Capt. Co. A, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, promoted to Sergt. Major. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Elected from Sergt. Major to Capt., May 10. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick leave. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1863, Absent, Court Martial in Vermilionville. Also on Rolls of Co. C, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Capt. Roll dated Feb. 29, 1864, Absent, detached on Gen. Court Martial, order of Gen. Taylor, Feb. 23, 1864. Official Rolls Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865, as Capt. Co. C, Consolidated 18th Inf. [Rolls from Oct. 31, 1861 to Dec. 31, 1861. Present. F & S, Non-commissioned Staff and Band.] (Information in [ ] transcribed from Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.)
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Orleans Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Etie, R. D. (also Etie, D. R.; Etie, Dellie), 1st Sergt. Pvt. Cos. D and K, F. and S., 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll dated Oct. 5, 1861, Absent on leave. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Apptd. Q. M. Sergt., Nov. 1, 1861 Transfd. to Non-Com. Staff. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Transfd. back in Co. from Non-Commissioned Staff in consequence of having been reduced to ranks by sentence of Regtl. Court Martial, Feb. 21, 1862, and Transfd. to Co. K, Feb. 23, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Deserted at Corinth, Miss., May 16, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll dated June 30, 1863, En. Feb. 10, 1863, Camp Dautrieve. Absent, sick, in Gen. Hospl., since March 1, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl., in New Iberia, since March 1, 1863.
Mayo, Thaddeus, Pvt. Hospl. Steward Co. B, Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. Regtl. Return Nov., 1861, Detached on extra duty as Regtl. Hospl. Steward. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Appointed Hospl. Steward, Dec. 21, 1861, by Special — No. 7 from Brig. Gen. Ruggles. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861 (Roll No. 2), Transfd. to Med, Dept. by appointment as Hospl. Steward. Rolls Jan., 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Also borne on Rolls of Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. as Mayo, T., Hospl. Steward. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present.
4 Aug 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Calcasieu Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites
Hall, William, Q. M.Sergt. Co. –, N. C. S., 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 16, 1862, Camp Benjamin. Roll to Feb. 28, 1862, Present. Apptd. Q. M. S., Feb. 22, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Roll for May and June, 1863. Absent on detached service. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent. Detached with Maj. Sanders, Brig. Q. M.
Civilian Data: (10 August 2000) William Hall was born in Mobile, Alabama 3 October 1842 and at the age of eleven, came to Louisiana with his parents, settling in St. Laundry Parish. He married Miss Mary H. CAMPBELL on 19 October 1871. This marriage produced three children: Willian Henry, Mamie B., and William W. He survived the war and also served as editor of the Marksville Review, time frame is not known. The time of his death and subsequent burial site is not stated at this time. An application for Pension Benefits was made on his and/or his wife/widow for the State of Louisiana. Should you wish to read more about William Hall, you may do so in our Veterans Section.
19 July 1999 - Biography Added to "Veterans" Section
Taylor, Robert, Jr. (also on Rolls as Taylor, Robert G.), Pvt. Co. F, Field and Staff, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Absent, leave of absence on account of sickness, dated Oct. –, 1861, to Nov. –, 1861. Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present, on extra duty as Sergt. Commsy., since May 1, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Taylor, Robert, Pvt. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, on detached service, Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.
Strouss, J., Ord. Sergt., Field and Staff, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Remarks: Absent. Acting Brigade Ord. Sergt.![]()
The list shown below is a list of the men who comprised the Roster of the Field and Staff of the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment. Their Muster Roll records can be found throughout this web site. After researching and comparing the Muster Roll of men who comprised this regiment, we decided to piece together the following list of men -- placing them into the following catagories. By looking over these lists, one can see the orginization of this typical Louisiana Confederate regiment.
Muster Roll of Commissioned Staff :
Mouton, J. J. A. Alfred, Col.
Roman, Alfred, Lt. Col.
Armant, Leopold L., 1st Lt., Major
Collins, Joseph, Capt., Lt. Col.
Mouton, Wm., Lt. Col.
Mouton, William, Capt., Major
Barthelemy, Edward C., 2nd Lt., Adjt.
Sanders, R. W., 1st Lt., Acting Q. M.
Bush, Louis, Major
Littlell, R. H., Surgeon
Gourrier, Alfred, Asst. Surgeon
Patin, C. F., 1st Sergt., Commsy.
Grisamore, Silas T., Sergt., Q. M.
Webre, J. S. (Webre, Septime), Pvt., 2nd Lt., Acting Adjt.
De Chaignon, A., Chaplain
Bonsall, W. B., Surgeon
Vernon, M. P., Pvt., Asst. Surgeon
Bauvais, R., Asst. Adjt.
Comeau, F. T., 2nd Lt., 1st. Lt, F & S
Allen, C. E. (Charles Elihu), Asst. Surgeon
Rosser, J. B., Adjt.
Muster Roll of Non-Commissioned Staff :St. Martin, A. L. (Alfred L.), Sergt., Sergt. Major
Sanchez, William, Sergt., Capt., F & S, Non-Com. Staff and Band
Etie, R. D. (Etie, D. R.; Etie, Dellie), 1st Sergt.
Mayo, Thaddeus, Pvt., Hospital Steward
Hall, William, Q. M. Sergt., N. C. S.
Taylor, Robert, Jr. (Taylor, Robert G.), Pvt., Sergt. Commsy.
Strouss, J., Ord. Sergt
Muster Roll of Regimental Band:Arminguad, H. E. B., Drummer, Pvt., Co. F.
Aucoin, J. Louis, Musician, Corpl., 2nd Lt., Co. G.
Barthelemy, John, Regimental Band, Pvt., Co. E.
Bausan, Augustus J., (Also Bouyan, Augustus J.), Drummer, Pvt., Co. G.
Bays, Robert W., Drummer, Pvt., Co. A.
Bazet, B. Filhucan (Bernard Filcuhan), Musician, Bugler, Pvt., Co. G.
Benoit, Emile, Drummer, Co. Pvt., Co. Not Known
Bethancourt, Justilien, Drummer, Pvt., Co. E.
Cook, Malcomb B. Jr., Regimental Band, Pvt., Co. G.
Dufour, F., Musician, Pvt., Co. F.
Duffier, G. (also Doofler, George, & Dauphly, G.), Drummer, Pvt., Co. G.
Dufour, F., Musician, Pvt., Co. F.
Dufour, Pierre, Bugler, Pvt., Co. F.
Eagan, John F., Drummer, Pvt., Co. G.
Engeron, Charles A. (also Engeram, C. Alfred; Engerran, Charles A.), Musician, Pvt., Co. G.
Emma, John, Musician, Pvt., Co. Unknown
Goldschmidt, Guido, Chief Musician, Pvt., Co. B.
Gonsolin, Desire, Musician, Pvt., Co. D.
Gormly, John, Drummer, Pvt., Co. I. & H.
Gormly, William, Drummer, Pvt., Co. I. & H.
Hacker, Octave, Musician, Pvt., Co. E.
Jenkins, William A., Musician, Pvt., Co. C.
Lagarde, Pierre (Lagarde, P., Jr.), Musician, Pvt., Co. G.
Lamparey, (Lampey) John, Musician, Pvt., Co. Unknown
Mcquilling, Thomas, Drummer, Pvt., Co. H. & E.
Nemits, J. C. H., Bugler, 4th Sergt., Pvt. Co. C.
Rachal, Issac N., Musician, Pvt., Co. C.
Roses, Eugene, Musician - Drummer, Pvt., Co. E.
Roustel, Edouard, Bugler, Pvt. Co. A.
Wann, Samuel, Jr., Drummer, Pvt., Co. D.
Webre, Adolphe, Regimental Band, Pvt., Co. E.
Webre, Charles (Weber, Charles A.), Regimental Band, Pvt., Sergt., Co. E.
Wire, B. F., Drummer, Pvt., Co. I.
Muster Roll of Medical Corps:Airhart, M. Y., Head Nurse, Pvt. Co. C.
Ayo, E. B., Nurse, Pvt. Co. G. & F.
Benoit, Jean Baptiste, Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Borderes, Alphe, Nurse, Pvt. Co. E.
Breaux, Alexander, Nurse, Pvt. Sergt. Co. F.
Breaux, Vilmond (also on Rolls as Braux, V.; Brand, V.), Medical Corps., Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Brouillet, J. M., Nurse, Pvt. Co. F.& I.
Caillouet, T., Nurse, Pvt. Co. E.
Chenvert, J. M., Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Chenvert, M. (Chenevert, Moise), Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Cherry, J. O., Nurse, Pvt. Co. D.
Descelles, Belle Isle, Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. A.
Dozat, Augustine, Nurse, Pvt. Co. D. & Co. E.
Dufour, Elphige (also Ephige, D.), Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Eagan, John F., Nurse, Pvt. Co. G.
Edwards, H. C. (also Edwards, H. C.; Edwards, Henry C.), Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Frederick, Charles S. (also Fredricks, Charles), Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. I.
Gandolfi, Peter Felix, Druggist, Pvt., Co. C.
Gandolfi, Joseph Peter, Druggist (?), Pvt., Co. H.
Goule, J. F. G., Hospital Steward, Pvt., Co. D.
Gremillion, C., Nurse, Pvt. Co. C.
Heistand, William H., Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. I.
Higginbotham, Joseph (also Higginbotham, J. J.), Ambulance Driver, Pvt., Co. K.
Higginbotham, Nelson, Nurse, Pvt. Co. F. & I.
Kasson, Leverett, Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. I.
Leblanc, David, Nurse, Pvt. Co. A.
Lyons, Littleton, Medical Corps, Corpl., Co. K.
Malaparte, Felix (Malapart), Medical Corps, Pvt. Sergt. Co. F. & G.
Mayo, Thaddeus, Hospital Steward, Pvt., Co. B. & G.
Merwin, Sylvester, Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. B.
Mcvey, W. H. (McVey, Willis H.), Ambulance Driver, Pvt., Co. E.
Muir, A., Ambulance Driver, 2nd. Lt., Co. K.
Parr, Marcelin, Nurse, Pvt. Co. G. & F.
Prejean, D. (Dominique), Nurse, Pvt. Co. D. & E.
Riley, William B., Nurse, Pvt. Co. D.
Salomon, L. J., Medical Hdqs., Pvt. Co. E.
Shaw, M. J., Hospital Steward, Co. Unknown
Smith, M. A., Ambulance Driver, Pvt., Co. D.
Tassin, Felix Francois (Tapin, Felix), Medical Corps, Pvt., Co. B. & E.
Tete, H., Medical Department, Pvt., Co. E.
White, J. G., Medical Clerk, Co. D.
White, J. M. (White, James M.), Nurse, Pvt., 1st Sergt., Co. B. & G.
Muster Roll of Wagoners/Drivers/Teamsters:Arden, Henry, Wagoner, Corpl., Pvt., Co. F. & B.
Aten, William, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. F.
Baker, J. B., Teamster,Pvt. Co. K.
Bernard, E., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. I.
Blanchard, A., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. A.
Blanchard, Pierre Adolphe, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. A.
Blanchard, W., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. E.
Boudreaux, Louis F., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G. & F.
Brau, J. S., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. F.
Broadway, John, Teamster, Pvt. Co. K.
Calicotte, C. L., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. B. & F.
Cline, Patrick, Teamster, Pvt. Cos. H. and D.
Cooney, H. C., Pvt., 2nd Jr. Lt., 3rd Lt., Pvt. Co. D.
Curtis, J. C. (also Curtis, J. L.; Curtis, John C.), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. D.
Daymon, William M. (also Daymond, W., & Demon, W.), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. B. & F.
Donnelly, John, Teamster, Pvt., Sergt., Co. H.
Dooley, Patrick (also Dooly, P., & Duly, Patrick), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. I. & H.
Follain, Theodore (also Follain, F.; Folin, Theodore), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. K.
Frost, Richard, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.,& F.
Furtado, Frank (also Fortado, F.; Furtado, F.; Fartado, F.), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. E.
Gros, Francois, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.
Higginbotham, Joseph (Higginbotham, J. J.), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. C. & K.
Jackson, H. B., Wagoner, Corpl., Pvt., Co. C.
Kelly, John, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. H. & E.
Ledet, Henry, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G. & F.
Lejeune, Amadeo, Wagoner, Co. G. & F.
Maes, G. A., Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.
Martindale, F. B., Teamster, Pvt., Co. K.
Moore, James, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. K.
Moraux, Ozeme (Moreaux, Ozeme), Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.
Mcdonald, John, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G. & F.
Mclelland, A., Wagoner, Pvt. Co. C.
Mccleland, Archibald, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. K.
Mccoy, John, Wagoner, Pvt,. Co. H.
Mceviney, Joseph, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.
Plaisance, Usebe, Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G.
Possot, G. , Wagoner, Pvt. Co. H.
Rand, John S. , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G. & F. & I.
Reid, Andrew Jackson (A. J.) , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. H. & I.
Schexnayder, C. (Cleophas) , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. E.
Scroggins, J. R. , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. F.
Taylor, David , Teamster, Pvt., Co. K.
Toups, Joseph P. (Toups, C.) , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. G. & F.
Trombly, Abraham (Pombly, A.) , Wagon Master, Pvt., Co. H. & E.
Watson, R. J. , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. B.
Watts (Watt), F. B. , Wagoner, Pvt., Co. A.
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18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment
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