Andrea's World

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You can tell a lot about a person from their bedroom.  Andrea had a unique personality and a unique style.  She picked the colors and we painted it together. I have to say that I like her taste as almost all of the art on the walls was done by me. Laughs....

North wall
A busy, scattered mind at work.

Northwest corner
The sketch in the center is of a Van Gogh called "Sorrow". Andrea asked me to draw it for her.

Van Gogh drew this sketch of a prostitute who lived with him.  Andrea saw herself in the drawing.  The sketch in the book was about a 3x5.  She wanted it much larger and "exact".  I think it came out well.

Southwest corner
More art

Pen and Ink in a black frame, oil portrait of Andrea, a colored pencil drawing and various other oils and sketches.  The brown-framed oil above the small blue one was done by Andrea.  You can't tell from here but it's actually pretty good, especially since it was her first effort.  I was giving her lessons.  She bought the TV set for $20 after we were playing around in her room once and pulled the other down and broke it - lol.

South wall
More from Andrea's head. She could picture all this in her mind before laying it out.

Southeast corner

Northeast corner

Last updated on Monday, October 11, 2004 2:19:21 PM

Andrea's World was created March 20th, 2004.  I hope to add to it often.
