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In Underlight exist dreamers of four focuses. Each focus plays a valauble key role. The 4 focuses are DreamSeer, GateKeeper, FateSender, and SoulMaster. The DreamSeer are the scholars of the dream, The GateKeepers are the warriors of the city, the FateSenders are the tricksters and pranksters, and finally the SoulMasters are the healers. Do not let these labels stop you from becoming what you want to be. A focus is just limited to the arts you can learn, not limiting your mind to your abilities.


Underlight, the Underlight Logo, the Lyra Studios Logo, game concepts, game terms, and graphics copyright Lyra Studios, LLC 1997-2000. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This site is not affiliated with Lyra Studios, LLC, and the views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Lyra Studios, LLC.