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Lyra's Official Underlight Site - The Official Underlight Website.

Michawn13 & Koga Shuko's UL Site - Loaded with arts, histories, and much more.

Al-E's Underlight Site - Extremely useful site for newly awakened.

Venom's Underlight Cavern - Good histories about planes and arts.

Underlight Movie Advertisement - A fan's FLASH movie, nice work!

Project of Enlightenment - The best I've seen so far, check it out!

Ceyllynn's Site - Pictures of the controllers behind the character, visit it now!



Underlight, the Underlight Logo, the Lyra Studios Logo, game concepts, game terms, and graphics copyright Lyra Studios, LLC 1997-2000. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This site is not affiliated with Lyra Studios, LLC, and the views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Lyra Studios, LLC.