Pranic emanations from a quartz crystal seen through Kirlian Photography.jpg

"When that self takes breath as its vehicle instead of the body then it soars upward towards the utmost heights, towards that goal which is the and origin of all beings."
      - Hazrat Inayat Khan


It existed when you were conceived,
It nurtured you in the womb,
You now exist
because of it,
It leaves you at the tomb.

You need to learn how to breathe
How to awaken your prana.
In doing so,
You can achieve...

Altered states of consciousness
Experience mental bliss,
Transcend your present boundaries
      Live life in its totality.
- Karen Menezes

Did you know...

1) That the word spirit is derived from the Latin word ‘spiro’ which means ‘i breathe.’

2) That certain yogis gain such mastery over their breathing that they can be buried alive for several days without bodily harm? They are able to achieve this state by greatly reducing their respiration and heart rate through the power of their will. This causes them to go into a trance state, and they are later awoken by their assistants.
And we hardly pay any attention to the way we breathe.

Gain mastery over breathing, say the Yogis, and you can tap the source of all energy.

To know more about this ancient system of controlled breathing, click below.


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Created and designed by Karen Menezes
Revised: 23 Jun 2000 15:32:28 -0400