1) Introduction

2) Who is Dr. Ann Wigmore?

3) What is Wheatgrass and why is it so special?

4) What are the constituents of wheatgrass?

5) What about other superfood supplements?

6) How is chlorophyll important to the body?

7) Diseases which can be cured by wheatgrass

8) The Advantages of wheatgrass

9) Growing wheatgrass at home

10) Caution                      



Wheatgrass has been claimed to be the most useful of all raw foods. It has been successfully used to treat several diseases from psoriases to cancer and even acne and premature greying of hair.

Dr.George J.Druce of Chicago, USA has made a significant observation that cooked food is the oldest addiction of mankind. Almost all diseases are the consequences of consuming such food because heat destroys the enzymes present in raw living food.

What is an enzyme?
An enzyme is a protein substance produced in living cells that influences a chemical reaction within a plant or animal without being changed itself, i.e. an organic catalyst. Every process in the body depends on enzymes.
Our body cannot produce vitamins and minerals, but it can produce enzymes.
Some of the uses of the various enzymes are conversion of protein into fats or sugar, conversion of fats into carbohydrates, removal of toxins from the body, etc.

If our body can produce enzymes, why the emphasis on intaking them in our diet?
Researches conducted by Dr. Sekla and Dr. Folk of Charles University of Prague on animals and insects established that the amount of enzymes in the body decreases gradually as one ages. Instead of burdening our organs to produce enzymes, why not intake them from raw food in our diet?
Enzymes have also been linked to the prevention and cure of cancer since they deter the cancer cells’ ability to hide from the immune system and manifest throughout the body.

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Who is Dr. Ann Wigmore?

Dr. Ann Wigmore is recognized as the pioneer of wheatgrass therapy.
In her words, " The wheatgrass- juice has been used with tremendous success for conquering cancer. It is a fail-proof remedy for rejuvenation of the body."  For over 30 years, she has been treating patients  with even chronic disorders in her American institute the 'Hippocrates Health Institute.'

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What is wheatgrass and why is it so special?

Wheatgrass is a plant grown from a special strain of wheat, i.e. Red Wheatberry. The well known grass expert, Dr. Thomas, after researching various grasses, concluded that wheatgrass is the best of all.
He has spent 50 years of his life in this research and thinks of wheatgrass as ‘a complete food’. Yes, wheatgrass contains all the substances present in the blood of a healthy man. So it has been referred to as GREEN BLOOD. Infact, Dr. Thomas is of the opinion that one can subsist solely on wheatgrass.

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What are the constituents of wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass contains  high concentrations of chlorophyll, active enzymes, is rich in vitamins A, B-complex, etc. and  minerals like magnesium and sodium, and other important nutrients. Chlorophyll constitutes 70% of the solid content of wheatgrass.


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What about other superfood supplements?

Other superfood supplements would include Chlorella and Spirulina. But wheatgrass wins hands down in terms of price and nutrition. Also, these superfood supplements could lose nutritional value in the manufacturing process and chlorella may be hard to digest.

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How is chlorophyll important to the body?

Chlorophyll, the green colouring matter of plants is the basis of all plant life. It is as important to the plant as blood is to the body. The chlorophyll contained in wheatgrass purifies the blood and destroys harmful bacteria in the intestines. Chlorophyll and haemoglobin are very similar in atomic structure, the only big difference being that magnesium is the central atom of the chlorophyll molecule, while iron is found in great amounts in haemoglobin. Infact chlorophyll has been called ‘concentrated sun power’ by research scientist Dr. Birscher.

Dr. Chiu-nan Lai, Ph.D. (University of Texas System Cancer Center), has used the Ames Bacterial Mutagenicity Test to determine that chlorophyll is the active factor in wheat sprout extract that inhibits the metabolic activity of carcinogens. Chlorophyll contains a greater amount of light energy than any other element. Although chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, wheatgrass is superior because it has over 100 elements needed by the body. Infact, Japanese scientists are of the opinion that it can neutralize some pollutants, including the those found in car exhaust!

wheatgrass_field.jpgThis picture shows a field of wheatgrass.


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Diseases which can be cured by wheatgrass

In the books written by Dr. Wigmore, there are references made about more than 350 diseases cured by consuming wheatgrass juice!

Wheatgrass has been successfully used in curing the following diseases:
1) Chronic cold and sinusitis, sore throat
2) Asthma
3) Anemia
4) Physical and mental disorders
5) Dermatological diseases (including acne and skin eruptions)
6) Diseases related to the urinary bladder, and kidney stones
7) Stomach disorders, detoxification of the colon wall and constipation
8) Diabetes
9) Diseases related to the eyes and ears
10) Disorders of the joints and muscles
11) Parkinson’s disease
12) Premature greying of hair
13) Heart disease
14) Gynecological diseases like inflammation of the uterine cervix, parasitic vaginal infections, etc.
15) Impotence
16) Cancer
17) Dental problems like toothache and pyorrhea
Besides the above diseases, wheatgrass can be used to treat certain other diseases.

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The Advantages of wheatgrass

i) According to Dr. Thomas, 15 pounds of wheatgrass provides as much nutrition as 350 pounds of carefully chosen vegetables. It energizes the body since it is assimilated very fast and provides a vitality that lasts throughout the day.
ii) Consuming wheatgrass juice has no toxic side effects.
iii) Wheatgrass cleanses and heals the body. It drains the lymph system and carries away several toxins from body cells. Wheatgrass acts an antiseptic, a deodoriser and a detergent to the body. It can be externally applied to the body and used as a poultice or to bathe with. It cleanses the skin, stimulates new healthy cells and fights infections.

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Growing wheatgrass at home

Wheatgrass can be obtained from stores in the form of powders, tablets but optimum benefit is derived from drinking the fresh juice.

The following is the best method to grow wheatgrass:
i) If you have an open plot, divide into 7 parts (about 1 square foot); otherwise use 7 wooden boxes or wide-mouthed earthen pots.
ii)The basin should be filled three-fourth with black soil and the rest with compost or manure. Do not use chemical fertilizers. Also, wheatgrass grows best in indirect sunlight.
iii)  Sow 100 grams of wheatseeds in every basin. This will yield 100-125 grams of wheatgrass. Soak the wheatgrains for about 12 hours before sowing. After removing them from the water, put them in a wet, thick cloth so that they sprout. This will enable a quicker growth.
iv) Only sprinkle, but do not pour water in the pot because excess water will hamper growth. This should be done once a day.
v) As there are 7 earthen pots, wheat should be sown in one pot each day. On the 7th day, the wheatgrass grown in the first pot will be 7 inches high which is not only ideal, but also essential.
vi) Cut it with a pair of scissors or manually pull it out.
vii) When you remove the wheatgrass from the pot, take out the soil, dry it in the sun, and add a small quantity of compost before wheat grains are sowed again.

Remember: Only one pot must be prepared each day. (This is because the wheatgrass juice is best drunk fresh.)

juicer.jpgJuice extraction: Wash the wheatgrass thoroughly. Then sprinkle some water on it, pound it with a stone or mortar, put it in a cloth and squeeze the juice out. Of course, there are many electric gadgets available in the market for extracting the juice with ease.



An alternative to extracting the juice is simply chewing the wheatgrass, but one must spit out the fibres.
Begin with 25-50 ml. of the juice, gradually increasing the quantity. For moderate illness, a daily dose of 100ml. is recommended. For old, chronic diseases, The quantity should be increased to 250-300 ml.

Points to remember before consuming the juice:
i) Consume the wheatgrass immediately after extraction. (It loses its precious ingredients when preserved.)
ii) Sip it in droughts.                                                                                   
iii) Do not eat or drink anything for half an hour before or after consuming the juice.

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Keep the following points in mind:
i)  Take the juice in small quantities in the initial stages. This is because a few people may suffer from nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea and cold. But these symptoms occur only in 5 to 7% of cases. In such cases, dilute the juice with water. But if these the symptoms persist, discontinue taking the juice for a day or two. Resume its intake when these symptoms disappear.
ii) It is preferable to fast for a day or two before taking the juice.
iii) Nothing should be added to the juice for the sake of taste.

green blood.jpg

Dr. Joseph Evers of Germany has treated nearly 1000 cases of multiple sclerosis with diets including only raw food.

Truly, "Life begets Life."

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"You could cover the whole world with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through"
         - Ilya Ehrenburg

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