Trying to Conceive: FAQS and Information

Increasing Cervial Mucus
Clomid (Basic Info and helpful hints)
General TTC Info
OPK's (Ovulation Predictor Kits)
Temping Info
Increasing Cervial Mucus
Sperm Friendly Lubricant
Baby Asprin and TTC
Femara (Letrozole)
What's an RE
Progesterone levels & Taking after Ovulation
Implantation Spotting
IUI Info
HCG Levels in Early Pregnancy
Pregnancy Test Info
HSG Test
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Cervical Mucus & ways to thin and increase it

Clomid can interfere with the ability of the cervical mucus glands to be stimulated by estrogen to produce fertile mucus. Only "hostile" or dry cervical mucus may develop in the days preceding ovulation.
Robitussin may help to improve the cervical mucus. Make sure the active ingredient is Guaifenesin only. Recommended dosages are 1 tsp, 3 times per day, CD8 through ovulation.

Pill form (Robitussin) can be ordered: has the pill form of Guaifenesin. I got a type called Guaifenesin 600 (100 tabs for $30 + shipping).
Some also drink green tea,  & grapefruit juice to increase cervical mucus. (Start at the beginning of your cycle until ovulation)