Poetry For The Soul
the music that I love
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my poetry
the music that I love
About me

music that makes me who I am

this page I thought was needed. do to the fact that you can't understand my poetry till you understand my love for music.


my favorite music isthe stuff that makes me who I am, I often switch favorites and when I do that is all I listen to for about a month. take for instence my love for NIN I have had a great love of them for a while. but my listening to them comes in wave at a time. I love the way trent rezner uses different sounds to make huanting melodies or hard kick ass rock or industrial. I love the gothic tones and the lnging in his music.
my favorite albums:
downward spiral
the haloes
the day the world went away.
these albums were my favorite. they got me through allot of stuff and I will always love them.
my other favorite bands and music, are the cure, because they have such an ecleptic sound, take thier album "wild mood swings"  the first song is beautiful and dark, and from thier it takes a wild swing and goes into jazz intros and slightly oreantal tunes. they cover the hard stuff and the romantic side of life. they have sent me through a wild ride of experimental music and I have loved every second of it.
my next favorite is a very unknown artist his name is kenna. I love every minute of his songs. his talent is undeniable and genuis. it is heartfelt and simple at times, he takes things that you would normally cry to and puts a happy spin on it, like "I'm gone." it has a sad back drop but and up beat tune. and "free time" is wonderful about a man that just wants space from  relationship, but in the end he goes back to his first love after finding that she was more to him then any thing.
I love switchfoot. they are the coolest thing to hit my cd player since the compaltion cd "safty first" they take a pop sound and put a positive message and love of god on it. and even before they made it big in the main streem they were very influecial in the sub christian coltrure, my favorite album done by them is very unknown and called "legend of chin" it was very good, the way they discribed youth today and the apathetic mind set we have all come into in the song "chem 6a" and then the warmth of  "you" the way they discribe the peace that they get but not in them selves only in "you"
that is just three. when I have more time I will put up more.

