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FreePPP Errors Possible solution in RED

Connection Error

Fix Modem not plugged in or working properly, or ISP is down 1. Make sure the correct modem is selected. 2. Are they dialing the correct phone number? 3. Try init strings. 4. Upgrade the modem drivers. 5. Check for line noise.

Echo Failure

Fix Signals dropped or unstable connection 1. Try connecting again. 2. Try inits. 3. Try upgrading the modem drivers/firmware. 4. Check for line noise.

Problem With Modem

Fix Modem not responding or not detecting carrier after given timeout1. Make sure the correct modem is selected. 2. Try inits. 3. Try upgrading the modem drivers/firmware. 4. Check for line noise.

Idle Timeout

Fix Connection closed after no activity for given interval 1. Make sure the idle timeout setting isn't too low. 2. Try turning idle timeout off.

Prefs File Damaged

Fix Old or damaged PPP Preferences file 1. Trash the PPP Prefs file in Hard Drive>System Folder>Preferences. 2. Run FreePPP Setup and redo the connection.

Prefs Open

Fix Usually means FreePPP Setup or something else has the PPP Preferences file open 1. Try a reboot. 2. Trash the PPP Prefs file in Hard Drive>System Folder>Preferences. 3. Run FreePPP Setup and redo the connection.

System 7.1 Required

Fix System 7.1 is required. 1. Have the user contact apple to upgrade to System 7.1. It is best to have them upgrade to System 7.5 or higher as this is the most widely supported version by most ISPs. Or look at my review on OSX

Serial Port In Use

Fix Usually AppleTalk has the given port in use (or something else) 1. Try disabling Appletalk. 2. Try a reboot.

Port can't handle speed

Fix The serial port can't handle the given baud rate. (Very rare error) 1. Lower the port speed.

Driver can't handle speed

Fix The serial driver can't handle the given baud rate. (Very odd, usually very old System Software Installed)1. Upgrade the system software. (7.5.5 or higher recommended) 2. Try lowering the port speed.

Generic Serial Port error

Fix The serial port is just not responding for no known reason. 1. Try a reboot. 2. Make sure Appletalk isn't using it, perhaps disable appletalk.


Fix The modem or cable can not support CTS 1. Try changing the flow control to XON/XOFF.

FreePPP Lap Not Selected

Fix (OT only)FreePPP is not the current selected mdev. 1. Open up OpenTransport (TCP/IP) and make sure FreePPP is selected.

Bad Modem Init String

Fix Modem didn't respond to init string. 1. Try a different string. Reboot. 2. Try AT&F&C1&D2. Reboot. 3. Try ATZ. Reboot.

Connection Script Error

Fix Script was waiting for string that it did not receive 1. Try turning off the connection script.

Modem Not Ready

Fix Modem is in use or not connected properly (or turned off). 1. Try a reboot. 2. Make sure the correct modem is selected. 3. Set modem to detect init string Automatically if it was not already doing so. 4. Try ATZ.

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