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Where is the PPP Control Panel?


I 'm trying to manually configure my iMac to connect to a local Internet Service Provider (ISP), however, I cannot find the PPP control panel. Was Open Transport/PPP not installed on my computer? Where can I get the PPP control panel?


Open Transport/PPP is installed on your computer, however to access Open Transport/PPP you now utilize Apple Remote Access 3.0 client. The Remote Access control panel provides the same functionality as the PPP control panel.

To make a PPP connection via the Remote Access control panel follow the instructions below

1. Open the Modem control panel
2. Make sure the port is set to the "Internal Modem" at the top of the window next to Connect via.
3. Select the "iMac Internal 56k" modem for the Modem pop up menu.
4. elect sound on or off and the proper type of Dialing ( tone or pulse)
5. Open the TCP/IP control panel and select PPP in the Connect via pop up menu
6. Select the type of IP addressing ( using PPP server or manually ) in the Configure pop up menu.
7. Enter the correct Name Server Address and the correct Search Domain for your ISP ( if configuring manually you must also enter the IP address assigned to you).
8. Open the Remote Access control panel
9. Enter the user name, password and dial up phone number which should be provided by your ISP.

At this point you should be able to connect using the Connect button in the Remote Access control panel.

If there are any problems, try opening the AppleTalk control panel and set the Connect Via choice to Remote Only and try connecting again. If it still fails to connect, contact your ISP for further troubleshooting


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